Warning Signs of Depression and Anxiety

Warning Signs by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of a hand reaching out of the water.

Photo by Ian on Unsplash

Not to sound like a cheesy commercial or a parrot on repeat, but with all that is going on in the world today, I think its is good to be self-aware and knowledgable about mental health. It’s no secret that I struggle daily with anxiety and depression has started to creep in due to all the current stress in the world packed on top of that anxiety. Which is why I wanted to talk about the warning signs of depression and anxiety. 

Warning Signs of Depression and Anxiety

As I talk to loved ones and friends, there seems to be a resounding consensus that everyone is experiencing or has experienced “the funk” during this global pandemic. Even those people who don’t experience depression or anxiety “normally” are experiencing a “new normal” both emotionally and mentally.

And, rightfully so, since our world has drastically changed over the last several months. I really don’t need to list the reasons why there is a universal decline in mental health; all I really need to say is “2020.” It’s been a rough ride for most of us whether that be from financial stress, relationship issues, sickness and just the emotional toll the isolation from Covid has brought on us all. 

I may not need to list the reasons why “the mental funk” is spreading as fast a COVID, but I do feel it is crucial so list the signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety for those who don’t normally experience these feelings.

For the rest of us, who deal with mental health daily, these may seem like common sense but if you are not educated or haven’t had any previous mental health battles this list might be just the connection to recognize and label what “the FUNK”  is going on.

You may be depressed or anxious if… 

  • You are experiencing abnormal fears and worries, or those fears and worries are  becoming more consistent or obsessive.
  • There are changes in your eating patterns or “normal” routines (outside of what you control);
  • You are having difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much;
  • You are lacking concentration or focus;
  • Your previous health problems are worsening;
  • You are experiencing more negative thoughts or feelings, especially if they are dark or suicidal.
  • You are losing interest in things that normally bring you joy or happiness.
  • You are experiencing a decrease in motivation and/or energy.
  • You are using alcohol or drugs to “feel normal”; or you are abusing these substances.

*Please note: anxiety and depression look different for each person. Mental health issues can manifest in many forms, depending on the individual. Please take that into consideration when reading the above list of warning signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression. This list is intended to help someone identify their thoughts and feelings so they can have a starting point on the road to self-awareness and stable mental health.

Have you experienced any warning signs of depression and anxiety? Let me know in a comment below!