The best immune boosting supplements to help you avoid getting sick

This immune boosting supplements post is sponsored by Ancient Nutrition but as always all opinions and thoughts are my own.
With the new school year starting back up, I feel some relief because life is starting to have a sense of routine normalcy. However, that relief sometimes tends to be short lived. If you have kids, you get me. Kids are such a touchy feely demographic. That fact, in addition to kids, on average, not being the best personal hygiene fanatics means being vigilant. At my house we try to focus on reasonably maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle with healthy habits. I say “reasonably” because we strive for moderation or balance. I truly feel that we practice good health by starting from the inside out.
Immune Boosting Supplements
In addition to an overall healthy diet, my family likes taking supplements to aid our overall well-being. The brand we prefer is Ancient Nutrition because it is rooted in tradition, which means to me it can be trusted. Ancient Nutrition also uses real food nutrition and the highest quality superfoods in their supplements, which makes the ‘health conscious momma’ in me happy.
Well before school started, in order to help maintain a healthy immune system, I began to focus more on incorporating into my family’s regimen the Zinc + Probiotics supplement and the Vitamin C supplement from Ancient Nutrition. The probiotics work to support a healthy gut and together with Zinc and Vitamin C, they aid in maintaining a healthy immune defense. I sincerely believe building healthy habits and practicing a healthy lifestyle is the most effective and simple way to support your overall health.
A healthy lifestyle starts on the inside so stop worrying about weight or what size you wear and focus on your inner health. Integrating the healthy habits listed below into my routine (as well as my family’s) is what I have found most helpful in maintaining a healthy immune system and overall well-being:
- Eat a healthy diet. Like I said before, everything in moderation. I don’t deprive myself if I want a treat but I also aim to eat a balanced diet each day full of nutrition like greens, healthy fats and proteins.
- Incorporate Ancient Nutrition supplements. I use a multivitamin (I use the Women’s Fermented Multi), Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc + Probiotics supplement. Vitamin C is obviously known for its powerful antioxidant properties and ability to support a healthy immune system but it aids in healthy skin and a healthy nervous system. Zinc + Probiotics from Ancient Nutrition paired their enzyme activated zinc with their soil based, spore forming probiotics to help support a healthy immune system and a healthy gut.
- Take mental health breaks to reduce stress. (*create healthy outlets to release stress or negative emotions). Stress can add to weight gain and sleepless nights. I try to meditate or at least do one relaxing thing each day if I can like take a bath, read a book to decompress.
- Regular exercise. Just be active. Walk or stretch if exercise is not your cup of tea. Simply move around as much as possible.
- Absorb 20 minutes a day of outdoor, natural sunlight.
- Get plenty of restful sleep. (*recommended amounts of sleep vary with age)
- Wash HANDS often. (The CDC recommends this.)
- Drink LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of water. Hydrate, people!
I’m not a health expert or guru but I am interested in supporting my health and my family’s health. And this is a simple list from health experts that I have followed to help my overall health. And I believe it really has helped. Use my code nashvillewifestyles for 20% off your Ancient Nutrition order.