How To Effectively Pitch Brands + Guides and Samples // Speaking At Brand Builders Retreat
Brand Builders Retreat:
Hi guys! Today I’m going to be discussing my experience speaking at a recent Brand Builders Retreat PLUS giving you some tips and tricks on How To Effectively Pitch Brands. I hope everyone has been well. If you follow me on any of my social platforms, you know that I recently took a trip to Key West!
It was my first solo trip without the kiddos or husband in almost two years. I had some serious anxiety leaving them, but it was definitely healthy for my soul to get some me time. I of course enjoyed some amazingly tasty margaritas, some much needed pool and beach time, and my girlfriends! Don’t worry, I was still in bed by like 9:00pm every night because momma is getting too old to party. I’m at the age where day drinking is much more appealing if it means I get a good nights rest AND get to skip the hangover. Yes, please. However, this trip wasn’t all about play. Although, when you do what you love, work never really feels like work to be honest. I had the honor of speaking at a Brand Builders Retreat organized by the wonderful Jenny Reimold (@jennyreimold) and Jen Bryant (@jenbryantdesign). Brand Builders Retreat is a luxury branding retreat that specializes in monetization, PR training, and content building across various platforms. The retreat was held at the absolutely stunning Isla Bella Beach Resort. I had the pleasure of discussing Advanced Media & Pitching alongside Jenny! Jenny and Jen designed their Brand Builders Retreats for women who have dipped their toes into the Instagram influencer world but need help developing their brand and expanding their business. They share their six figure influencer strategies as well as bring other like-minded individuals together to share their tricks and tips with women trying to build their following.
We discussed everything from how to make your profile more marketable, who and how to contact brands, how to land your dream brand deals, and how to get your brand out into the world and in front of the faces of others! The women at this retreat touched on everything from monetizing to simply creating eye-catching TikTok’s and Reels. Not only was it an amazing space to network and learn, but also to be surrounded by other bad a**, hardworking, and amazing business women that are motivated and excited to build their brand too! Being in an atmosphere that encourages new friends, networking, and good vibes all around can sometimes be just what you need to gain the confidence to take next steps.

How To Effectively Pitch Brands (Guides + Samples):
As you all know, I don’t speak about work often. I try to keep this page mainly about my life outside of being a Blogger. The reality is that, this is a large part of my life too! Yes, it has it’s ups and downs, but overall I feel so blessed to have this platform to continually share my journey with you all. I’m so thankful for those of you that have stuck with me from the beginning and those that are new here! Welcome to a new segment of my blog! I think it’s so important to share the knowledge and skills that I’ve acquired over the years. By no means am I saying what I do is the perfect formula or solution. Everyone is different and it’s imperative to remember that not one size shoe fits all! However, I have put together a guidebook for you all with some general tips and tricks that I believe everyone can benefit from if you’re trying to break into this industry.
At the Brand Builders Retreat, I chose to speak specifically on How To Effectively Pitch Brands. This is a skill that is so vital in order to monetize your brand. The followers, free stuff, and recognition are great but let me tell you, a big number at the top of your screen by itself is not going to make you the big bucks. Like anything worth having in life, it’s essential that you put in the hard work! Being able to effectively pitch brands is your ticket to the show. You may have brands that come to you from time to time but having the right tools and dialogue when YOU reach out to THEM is crucial. There truly is a method to all the madness. Below I have put together a guidebook that you are more than welcome to print out! I always have notes that I keep on hand in my agenda as reminders to stay on track. When you’ve been in this industry a long time, it’s easy to get sloppy. That’s why it’s always important to keep these notes fresh and remind yourself why you’re doing it in the first place!

If you do choose to print this guidebook out for reference and start implementing it in building your brand, I would love to hear about it! Please leave a comment below if you have any questions, concerns, or notes to add! I am learning new things about this business every single day. It’s so important that we as humans continue to share valuable information with each other and put it out into the universe! We’re all learning, adapting, and growing while trying to figure out what our purpose is here. My only advice is, do what fills you up. If you keep that in the front of your mind, then everything you do will be with intention. I hope this was of value to some of you and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Have a great week loves