How Owning A Pet Can Help Your Kids || The benefits for kids

Benefits of Owning a Pet by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of two young girls sitting together on a bed with their dog.

Question: What brings more joy than puppies and babies?

Answer: Puppies and babies in costumes, of course!

Having a bad day? I dare you to look at pictures of animals and/or children dressed in costumes and not smile. If you don’t at least smirk, check your pulse, you might be dead inside.  That being said, today I’m going to share with you the benefits of owning a pet…especially if you have kids.

I certainly have pinned an absurd amount of animals and/or kids in costumes. But I like to smile. No regrets. They are just TOO. STINKIN’. CUTE!

But you know what isn’t cute? Puppies that aren’t trained and babies that aren’t well behaved because they are neglected by their caregivers. Both, puppies and babies, are a huge responsibility. However, as a mother of 2 human babies and 2 furbabies, I can assure anyone the pros far outweigh the cons.

I’m guessing if you are reading this, you are just one of the kajillion parents that has just been asked a question similar to: “Can we PLEASE get a puppy?”; or “I want a pony for my birthday!”; or “My friend’s cat had kittens and they are giving them away for FREE; Can we please get a kitty?”

Before responding, first make sure you don’t look into their eyes. Resist your child’s “puppy dog eyes”. Appropriately named, because both are equally irresistible. Once you have successfully resisted “the look”, you should find yourself at this step: researching the positives and negatives of pet ownership with kids.

Confession: a lot of times I like pets more than people. Pets provide a tangible form of unbiased,  unconditional love and companionship that humans can’t provide.

And, kids love animals too. Just take a peek in your kids’ bedrooms. My girls have a safari of stuffed animals they cherish. Their books, movies and clothes are full of adorable animals they admire. So, of course an actual living, breathing animal is going to seem like the BEST present ever!

The benefits of owning a pet as a child can be a positive experience as long as there is parental involvement, open discussion about expectations of care and mindful planning. Find out here if your family is ready for the pet.

Some other great articles to read on the topic of pets and kids:

Benefits of Owning a Pet by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of a young girl sitting on her bed and holding her dog in her lap.

I have learned through my own research and experience with my girls, pets are worth the work and can be very beneficial for families. The following is a list of reasons why children prosper from living in a home with pets:

Benefits of Owning a Pet

  1. Pets provide invaluable training in how to treat living beings. Helping to care for an animal that relies on owners to supply its basic needs, creates in children a spirit of compassion, empathy, kindness, respect and patience.
  2. Pets can be therapeutic. Kids intuitively recognize that they can trust pets a.k.a. their best friends. Pets provide a safe place for children to share their private thoughts, feelings and secrets. Kids talk to pets just like they do with their stuffed animals or imaginary friends. This aids in developing their non-verbal communication skills.  
  3. Pets teach us life lessons. Such as: reproduction, birth, illness, accidents, discipline, death and bereavement. 
  4. Pets contribute to a child’s emotional well-being. Pets’ loyalty is a comforting support to kids. Pets boost self-esteem and self-confidence due to their consistency.  Plus, snuggling pets help ease stress, lower blood pressure by releasing “good mood” chemicals like serotonin or dopamine.
  5. Kids with pets tend to have better general health and be more physically active.  Playing with or walking pets gives kids an outlet for any pent up energy. And physically active kids are generally more happy.
  6. Pets help build family bonds. Since family activities such tend to center around the family “furbaby”, family bonds tend to be closer and grow stronger; as everyone contributes to the care of the family pet.
  7. Pets contribute to healthy cognitive and social childhood development. Pets presence  alone provides verbal stimulus. Owning a pet gives kids a shared interest and something to talk about with other kids.

Benefits of Owning a Pet by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of a puppy sitting on a blue couch.

It is pretty hard to deny pets provide a special kind of companionship and affection for kids and adults alike.  Interacting and connecting with animals teach children valuable life skills and establish purpose and routine earlier in life.

Call me a sucker, twice, for those “puppy dog eyes”, but seeing my children nurture and love on our family furbabies is endearing. It warms this momma’s heart and is worth every obnoxious bark, potty training accident or penny spent at the vet.

Do know of any other benefits of owning a pet? Let me know in a comment below!