Shirt: LIZARD THICKET || Skirt: FOREVER 21 || Choker: ETTIKA || Booties: LULU’S (Similar linked below)
It’s Monday! UGH. I hope everyone had a great weekend. What did you guys do? On Friday night we went to Jeff Ruby’s for dinner then home like old people and watched tv. Then Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch in Franklin, TN and then downtown to grab a late lunch. Sunday I filmed a Halloween inspiration video for my YouTube that I can’t wait for you guys to see! Hint, hint: It’s my favorite thing ever. And a mythical creature from the sea.
Ok so I might be 33 weeks pregnant but I still attempted to rock this top I saw at Lizard Thicket. It would definitely look better on you guys without the baby bump. I still had to try though. Plus mustard is basically my favorite color this fall so I just had to, I paired it with this black pencil skirt that was by the way… under $10. Seriously. I really thought it gave the perfect edge to the outfit.
I also rocked some studded black biker boots from Lulu’s last year (I linked similar options below) and my coveted Ettika choker from Free People. You can pick it up in 3 different colors on both websites. I’m a tad obsessed with the edge of this outfit and really can’t wait to rock it post baby Charlie. You can pick the top up at Lizard Thicket in Nashville or call the store at 615-678-7092 Xoxo