“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping’.” – Mr. Fred Rogers
Mister Rogers. He’s so smart. I find his words of wisdom comforting to both my children and I in many circumstances. Between the recent tornado in Nashville and the global COVID-19 pandemic, the above quote has become a household mantra for my family.
Just because we are living within the COVID-19 quarantine and social distancing parameters, doesn’t mean we are helpless. In fact, the act of solidarity is a way of sacrificing so we can give nurses, doctors, hospitals and the at risk population a fighting chance to beat the COVID-19 pandemic. Our small preventative measures in action are small favors that support the greater good of mankind.
Being an empath, I naturally have a heart to serve and do my part to make a difference, especially in times of crisis. I am an enneagram 2 for crying out loud, I scream HELPER. Therefore, I’m sharing some simple, but meaningful, ways to help support those most in need. As these needs will only enhance over the coming weeks. For me, it lifts my spirit to lift others’ spirits. If it doesn’t then you better check yourself, before you wreck yourself and everyone else for that matter. #aintnobodygottimeforhate
How Empaths can Help with Covid 19
- Donate blood. Due to so many blood donor cancellations amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the American Red Cross is in urgent need of blood donations. It is absolutely considered SAFE and NOT categorized as a “gathering”. If you are healthy, please consider finding a place to donate near you. The Red Cross’s website provide answers to many COVID-19 concerns, allows you to search for donation centers near you and make appointments.
- Donate food. Organizations like Feeding America allow you to search food banks in your area. In Tennessee, Mid-South Food Bank needs non-perishable food items to assemble food boxes with enough food to get through a 14-day quarantine due to COVID-19. Donate to the Kroger Co. Zero Waste, Zero Hunger Foundation announced a $3,000,000 commitment to rapidly deploy hunger relief resources to communities.
- Support local small businesses. These will be the businesses financially hit the hardest. Local restaurants and businesses often don’t have paid time off or paid sick leave for employees. One way to ensure they stay in business is to shop online or buy gift cards online. In Nashville, we are all about shopping and buying local. I will post a list tomorrow
- Help the service industry workers. “Help serve those who serve you.” My heart goes out to the bars and restaurants that have no choice but to close their doors for public safety. Their employees rely solely on TIPS as their income. So when they aren’t working, the bills can’t be paid. So if the restaurant is offering take-out options, be sure to tip generously, as if you are dining-in the restaurant (18% or more). Another way to help is donating to the Bartender COVID-19 Relief Campaign to bolster their Bartender Emergency Assistance Program, as they are now receiving an unprecedented amount of applications. In addition in the Nashville area I came across a really cool idea where you can visit the service industry every time you make yourself a drink at home or whatever and tip a local bartender that has registered through Venmo etc. I try to do it every night
- Be a caring neighbor. Even with social distancing we can still support those who are most vulnerable in our neighborhoods. If you have a neighborhood Facebook page or the Next Door app, consider making a post, offering to get groceries for anyone considered high risk for COVID-19. Have your kids draw pictures and place them in neighbors mailboxes. Decorate the streets with sidewalk chalk or encouraging messages. Get creative. Nashville has so many talented musicians that could play music on their porches for others to enjoy. Also have you heard of the Bear Hunt? It’s a fun thing to do for your neighbors and those who pass by your house and also with your own kids.
- Sign up for Amazon Smile Program. Sign up at smile.amazon.com then shop online at Amazon. The website will automatically give a portion of your purchase to a charity of YOUR choice.
- Be kind to those who are STILL working. Kindness goes a long way and so does a smile. Get creative and find ways to thank those who are still working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chances are, they are working long stressful hours, are short staffed and risking their own health to be at work. These groups include our health care providers, emergency workers, delivery people, grocery store employees, gas station attendants, janitorial staffs, news correspondents etc. Show them love. Leave put Clorox wipes and drinks for your delivery people. Bake some cookies, write a thank you note, give them a gas gift card, small acts of kindness to remind them how much they are valued and their work is appreciated. If it wasn’t for them, any sort relief from the COVID-19 pandemic would not be possible!
Just do it! And if you are the one in need…please don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Sometimes we need to give and sometimes we need to receive. Both require a humble heart. So, I’ll end with another quote from my man Mister Rogers:
“All of us, at some time or other, need help. Whether we’re giving or receiving help, each one of us has something valuable to bring to this world. That’s one of the things that connects us as neighbors–in our own way, each one of us is a giver and a receiver.”
Do you have any extra tips on how empaths can help with Covid 19? Let me know in a comment below!