This best gifts for kids post is sponsored by Ibotta but as always all opinions are my own.

Christmas is approaching fast my friends. Are you prepared? Ironically for someone that procrastinates as much as I do, I am on my A game this year. With my kids being 4.5 years apart it can be tricky when buying their presents because they are at such different age brackets. I’m sure you guys can relate to the struggle of figuring out what to buy your kids each Christmas, so I’m here to offer any guidance I can. Luckily in addition to the amazing prices Walmart and Target already have when you sign up for the Ibotta app you can also get rewarded when you spend.
Best Gifts for Kids
Ages 0-2: The best gift you can give a baby or young toddlers are toys that stimulate their senses. I remember when my kids were that little they were trying to talk, crawl, walk so any toy that helps aid those motor skills are ideal.
Ages 2-4: This is where my Charlie is and because she has a big sister she tries so hard to keep up. One thing she loves is Barbies and Little People. She also loves her baby dolls. This age is the funniest to me because their imagination is so strong and they love to play house and do creative play.
Ages 4-8: This is the age where kids start becoming more social and inclusive with their playing. Board games are great to things that spark their creativity like drawing, painting and even reading.
Ages 8-12: The age when our kids start to gravitate away from toys (cue the cry) except for things like puzzles, legos, video games. This is definitely when reading takes a stronghold too.
Ages 12+: Ahhh the tough age. If we are being honest, once my nephew hit this age gift cards were a big purchase of ours. I did buy him the occasional video game.
Trust me I know how hard it can be when shopping for our kids because at the end of the day we just want to make their Christmas the most magical ever. You’re an amazing parent for even caring at all Plus when you’re using Ibotta to save money it makes it even sweeter. You can earn cash back from your favorite stores like Walmart, Target, Costco, Amazon and even Ebay. It’s extremely easy and the app is free to download on both iOS and Android devices. (Also no subscription fees) An added bonus is that new shoppers can receive up to $20 in welcome bonuses. I always check my app to see what kind of offers are going on since the truth is, I’m going to be shopping anyway. Why not get rewarded for it? Friends I’m helping you out on Christmas shopping but you can also use Ibotta on regular grocery purchases each week too. I just recently shopped my list at Walmart and got 1% back on my order. Every little bit helps, would you leave money on the table? Not me, especially not during the holidays.
So make your list, download the app and start shopping And also let me know in a comment below what you think are some of the best gifts for kids!