Barbie & Dolls Gift Guide

Happy Holidays everyone! Although 2020 hasn’t necessarily been anybody’s “it” year, there are a number of things that we can look back and smile about over these last 12 months. For me, it was spending quality time with my loved ones. The holidays are the perfect time to show one another how much you truly care. Whether you’re filling a stocking, engulfing the bottom of the tree with presents on Christmas morning, or simply giving a warm hug (alternatively the firm covid-approved elbow bump) or exchanging a friendly smile – there are so many different ways that you can show your love this holiday season. Personally, because one of my love languages is gifts, I think it’s the sweetest thing in the world when you receive something that is thoughtful, personal, and creative! This holiday season I am providing ya’ll with the ultimate Gift Guide collection. There are a variety of personalities out there so I wanted to give ya’ll ideas for every type of person in your life! We all have our wine connoisseurs, coffee fanatics, live-in-your-jammies work from home peeps, traveling gurus, tech junkies, HGTV obsessed, pet lover friends, and more.

Who else misses playing with their Barbies and Dolls? I know it was one of my favorite things growing up. I’ve learned how important it is to actively use your imagination when you’re a kid. Playing with toys such as dolls can lead children to use their imagination while also developing their social, emotional, and language skills. Playing with dolls can help a child understand babies in real life and has the ability to prepare children for adulthood in a way. It can also help make newborns familiar to them so they are not frightened when there is a new sibling welcomed into the family. 

Barbie Gift Guide:

  1. Travel Doll Kitten Set 
  2. Barbie Extra
  3. Nurse Barbie Set
  4. Signature 2020 Doll 
  5. Signature 2020 Doll
  6. Inspiring Rosa Parks Doll
  7. Supermarket Playset 
  8. Medical Barbie Set
  9. Fashionistas Doll w/ Wheelchair
  10. Barbie Boat Set
  11. Team Stacie Summer Camp Playset
  12. Barbie Dream Plane 
  13. Ken Zoo Keeper Set 
  14. Fashionistas Doll 
  15. 3-in-1 Dream Camper – comes w/ pool, boat, camping gear, & more
  16. Barbie Extra 

Growing up, American Girl Dolls were always the hit. My first American Girl Doll was Samantha. My Nana would always buy me one for Christmas and it was one of my greatest joys. I would dress her up the same, do her hair similar, the whole nine. They can get quite expensive so barbies and other dolls are always a great alternative. The more special and unique you can make the gifting experience, the more magical it is for your little ones. Although as much as I loved dolls, I went back and forth between playing with dolls and barbies to trekking out to the woods to climb trees and ride bikes. It’s all about balance. Were you a doll lover or an outside playing with dirt type of kid? Or both like me? Either way, I’ve rounded up some of my top Barbie and Doll picks for your holiday gifting this year. Enjoy!

Doll Gift Guide:

  1. Baby Alive – eats, drinks, wets, and in some cases messes & even has a moveable mouth!
  2. Luggage Set – travel package, so stinking cute for your future jet setter!
  3. Bunk beds – Our Generation for 18in Dolls
  4. Chelsea School Set
  5. Kitchen Play Set
  6. Chelsea Carnival Set 
  7. Bath & Bubbles Set
  8. Woodwork Doll Kit
  9. Deluxe Dog House Doll Set – so fun for playing house with the doll pets
  10. Chelsea Aquarium Set 
  11. Ice Cream Truck – with tons of goodies / accessories! 
  12. Soccer Chelsea – comes with turf, soccer goals
  13. Academy School Room – comes with a ton of fun school supplies 
  14. Bathroom/Shower Vanity – the cutest little shower curtain + little shampoos and shower care accessories 

I hope you all find everything you’re looking for this holiday season, but most of all I hope that you take the time to appreciate your friends, loved ones, and those around you. If this year has proven anything at all, it’s that we all need to stick together and spread kindness, love, and gratitude. Now round up those reindeer and put your santa hat on ladies and gentlemen. Happy Gift Guide Shopping! Xo