Amazon Must-Haves: Back to School Guide 2022

Hi friends! Today I’m sharing my Amazon Must-Haves: Back to School Guide 2022! Y’all know Amazon is my go-to being a busy mom, wife, and business owner. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, selling our house, moving, AND getting the kids ready for back to school… Yeah. It’s a lot y’all. Amazon is about to be my saving grace! Keep reading to see the items that I deem worthy for being on your Back to School Guide 2022 as well as a SNEAK PEAK at a Teachers Wishlist!

They say time goes by fast when you have kids. They weren’t kidding. It goes even faster with two. It’s really hard as a parent to let go. You can best believe that I cried lots of tears when they took those steps through their school doors a few weeks ago. My oldest, Keatyn, is basically 10 going on 16. She’s at the age this school year where she wants to wake up early to curl her hair. We are starting to have those difficult but necessary conversations about things she loves and is passionate about. And boys… UGH. Yeah, we’re here now. Someone please send hugs and wine because I am not well. Anyways, let’s get started talking about what you came here to read.

Below I’ve included some must-have Amazon Back to School Guide 2022 items from lunchbox must-haves, to apparel, locker swag, classroom supplies, and more! You can click the images below the graphics to shop the post directly.


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I hope you all enjoyed that quick little round up of must-have Amazon items for this year! I thought it would be important to include something very special to me after how we’ve seen teachers effected these past couple of years after Covid, at home schooling, the whole thing. Teachers Wishlists! I think this is such an important element of back to school and a great time to give back. We have personally seen our teachers working so hard to make the back to school experience the best for our kiddos, and this is a good time to show them all of our gratitude! Plus, have you heard the budget a lot of teachers get for providing learning supplies for their kids? Sometimes it’s not the best… This is a good time to help give them a little extra help. At the end of the day, your kiddos are in their hands! Let’s take care of our teachers. Here’s a couple of wishlist ideas BELOW:

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I hope this was a helpful quick prep for back to school season this year and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! As always, thank you for reading and I hope your kiddos have the BEST of luck with their back to school season this 2022!