5 Essentials for an Easy Everyday Makeup

Hi everyone! Today I’m sharing my 5 Essentials for an Easy Everyday Makeup Look! Y’all know exploring new, fun, and efficient makeup looks is my JAM! Below I’m sharing some of the products that I used that you can shop yourself as well as photos of how my look turned out! Keep reading to see more 🙂

If ya’ll know me, you know I’m the biggest makeup fanatic! I absolutely love trying out different products and sharing my first impressions with you all. Makeup is especially fun because you can experiment with a huge variety of looks! Throughout the years it has been so fun for me to try out seasonal trends, makeup challenges, and more. But, let’s be real – especially my momma’s out there. It is a crazy crazy time of year. Hell, it’s crazy all the time. If you have kids, there really is never a dull moment the rest of your life. Getting ready can be the last thing that you think about sometimes! We’re so used to running out the door and just getting a jump on everything we have to do that day without even showering most of the time. We need to normalize this. It IS okay to not have everything together and be that “it-mom” all the dang time. I’m most certainly not. However, there are days where it feels like to feel pretty and like yourself again. As much as you may dread it, it’s important!

But I get it! You don’t want to go into a whole crazy makeup look where it’s going to take you an hour+ to accomplish. I do everything I can to get it done in 30 minutes or less at the most! I’m sharing this particular makeup easy everyday makeup look because it’s SO easy and fast to accomplish. My favorite thing about it is that it helps you look fresh, awake, and like you have some vitamin D in your skin (which hello, we’re lacking a little bit right now). Keep reading to shop the products that I used and see how mine turned out! You can also head to my IG for a quick tutorial on how I put it together as well!


  • You’ll want to start with a primer – use your favorite that works for your skin tone. I typically like a hydrating one in the winter time because my skin gets really dry
  • You can alternate using IT Cosmetics CC Cream OR Ultra Creamy Concealer by Tarte
  • Same with foundation – you can use either IT Cosmetics OR the Tarte Shape Tape Cloud Coverage that I used
  • Anastasia brow wiz is an absolute MUST for making your eyes really stand out
  • Mascara – I’ll link a few below that I absolutely love
  • Blush – will also link a few of my faves below but the key is to use it towards the back upward part of your cheekbone and work away from your face to give a lifted allusion!
  • A bright hydrating lip balm/liner is KEY for brightening the face! Ilia has a great one and I’ll also link some others below.
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I’m linking products used along with some similar ones that I absolutely love and stand by! Feel free to shop them using my links below 🙂 I hope you all enjoyed this easy everyday makeup look as it is one of my go-to looks! As always, thank you for reading beauties! Xo