Shirt: MISSGUIDED (Similar HERE & HERE) || Jeans: LIZ LANGE MATERNITY || Necklace: ILYMIX (Discount Code Below)
Shoes: NORDSTROM (Similar HERE & HERE) || Bag: TARGET
The whole “You can’t wear white after Labor Day” is such an old school rule that dates back to the 20th century. This article states “Those snobby New England elitists used the rule for more than just marking the passage of another summer in Newport and Long Island. They also used the trend to keep a newly upwardly mobile middle class from settling in on their turf.” So why do some people listen to a dated fashion rule from over 100 years ago? It’s 2016 people, we can wear what we want Do you continue to wear whit after Labor Day? I personally do. I even wear it in the winter time.
In Nashville and the South especially it stays miserably hot into at least October. As much as we want it to, it doesn’t feel like fall here. Trust me, I’m anxiously waiting.
**Use my code Nashville20 for the necklace above.
Tomorrow we have the rehearsal and dinner. Then Saturday it’s wedding time Follow me on Snapchat for updates SmashleyMac