So yeah. We have a tiny problem. For Nashvillans, we were just starting to climb out from the devastation the tornado left on our city. Now, worldwide we are fighting a massive health crisis, COVID-19; which is being termed the “invisible enemy”. Our everyday lives have drastically changed in a matter of weeks and it feels surreal.
A pandemic of this magnitude has never happened in our LIFETIME. That statement alone is overwhelming and a lot for this neurotic momma to digest.
The mandatory steps to be proactively precautious create mixed emotions for me. It’s encouraging that as a country we are being proactive rather than reactive; however, the reality of the situation and it’s possible ramifications are unnerving for even the most grounded individuals. Define “grounded” please…
Daily, we are being inundated with COVID-19 information; new guidelines and lifestyles changes are being made by the hour. Government agencies, schools, businesses, restaurants, hotels, you name it, are closed. Sports SEASONS are cancelled. Groceries stores look apocalyptic. We are confined within our borders. Quarantined in our homes. Working FROM our homes. With our kids. For a 3+ weeks…I didn’t sign up for this. And if I did, I want my money back.
We are being forced to face a life without routine or ability to plan ahead. Might be a walk in the park for the free spirits with no children, but pretty much nails on a chalkboard for the Type A personalities or parents of the world. #ME
The news and media outlets, which are known to be dramatic or focus on the negative, have become our predominant source of information and play 24/7 on big network channels. Goodbye security and freedom. Hello mental breakdown!
Not a single human will be left untouched in some aspect by this alarming, unprecedented (how many times have you heard that word) disease. Whether you are overworked or underworked. Have a real fever or cabin fever. The ripple effects of COVID-19 will be profound and far-reaching.
Do you need a hug yet, because, yeah don’t do that… unless it’s a 6 foot “air hug”. The problem with that for human beings is during traumatic events or times, having a sense of connection and feeling of community is essential for hope and healing.
Therefore, this necessary social distancing and sort-of “isolation” in culmination with the uncertainty of the future is a recipe for anxiety and depression-the “invisible enemies” some, like me, fight on a daily basis without a side of pandemic.
As a huge supporter of mental health awareness; I firmly believe today more than ever, it’s vital we make our mental health and wellness a priority. Empower yourself with self love and daily self care.
Below are examples of ways to strengthen your mental health and improve your overall well-being; which in return create a sound mind to help think more clearly when everything in the outside world seems so grim and chaotic.
These daily self care ideas can be used as tools to refrain from dark paths your mind can so easily spiral down in unstable times. So please make YOU a priority because mental health is just a crucial as physical health.
11 Ways to Make your Daily Self Care a Priotity:
Keep a routine.
Especially with kids, try to keep some sort of schedule that is as close to normal as possible. Get out of bed and your PJs to help you feel more put together. When times are so unstable, structure is the key to sanity.
Spend “quality” time together.
With ample time at home together, try to get back to being more intentional with your time, meaning put down your phones and engage. Try nightly family dinners or game nights. Build a deeper connection with loved ones.
Learn something new.
There ARE apps for that! Whether its a new language, skill or hobby. Youtube has endless free tutorials on any subject matter. Now is the time to step outside your comfort zone and experience something new.
20 minutes a day is all you need, but challenge yourself to do more since you have more than normal free time. Pinterest is my favorite place to find at home exercise routines. For me, practicing Yoga produces mindfulness and aids in relieving anxiety or some of my mental and/or physical stresses. Hiking at local parks (here are some trails in and around Nashville) is also an awesome way to maintain social distancing but enjoy nature while exercising. Its something you can do solo or as a family, even the furbabies can join!
Turn off the news.
Watch the news enough to get the necessary informational updates on COVID-19 (make sure the news you are absorbing is from a reliable source) but don’t endlessly watch the coverage, even if it is just background noise. Its unnecessary noise that can feed any paranoia.
Play with your Dogs (or pets).
It is proven that when you pet a dog they emit a calming pheromone. Taking them for a walk is a great way to make them happy, get some fresh air and get in some exercise.
Retreat to your backyard.
GO OUTSIDE. Get your Vitamin D from the sun as much as possible. Let the kids play outdoors and get out pent up energy. Grill out some good eats. Our minds function better on full bellies. Feel alive, breathe in the fresh air. Being outside or in nature is good for the soul and your mental health.
Journal or Blog.
I am sort of bias, but writing can be therapeutic. It gets you outside of your own head. Putting your thoughts on paper can help you sort out your feelings. Creative prompt journals can create nostalgic feelings and are a fun to keep your mind sharp and preoccupied.
Self-help books in particular. Positive affirmations will go a long way during a crisis.
Pamper yourself.
Bubble bath with some bubbly? Face mask with a mani/pedi? Why not do an at home peel or that facial treatment you have been meaning to get done but needed downtime to let your face heal? There’s nothing better than a little spa therapy and there are so many ways to get the job done at home with products I’m sure you already have. (If not I have a list below) If none of those are up your alley, maybe try some online retail therapy- no need to overspend. Receiving any size package in the mail always brightens my day!
Make humor a part of everyday.
Laughter is truly good for the soul. If you are able to find humor in the tough times, you will inevitably have a more positive outlook. If Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, can make light of their COVID-19 diagnosis, then so can you!
*P.S. Bet you can’t help but smile, watching these penguins touring their aquarium amid COVID-19 shutdown.
Shop my favorite at home daily self care products: