Hi traveling friends! Today I’m sharing my Summer Europe Vacation Outfit Ideas. Everybody and their mother is taking a trip to Europe this summer, so I thought it would only be fitting for me to post a Summer Europe Vacation Outfit Ideas round up. Keep reading to see some of the beautiful picks that I selected for your next over-seas vacay.
No joke, I swear everyone has either been to Europe already this summer or has a trip planned. It’s like traveling opened up, gas prices are $10 a gallon, flights are inflated (along with everything else), but hey… let’s forget all of that and just GO TO EUROPE. I mean why not right? Life is short. The world is wide. As many of you may be sitting there shaking your head at those people traveling and living “frivolously”, I kinda commend them.
This is the year of not judging other people’s decisions. At least that is something I’m personally working really hard on. After the crazy couple of years that we’ve had and the state of the world right now, just let people be HAPPY. Let them spend all their money. Let them travel. Let them buy expensive clothes and eat crazy meals and drink 100 Aperol Spritz’s. You know why? Because life is short y’all. Don’t waste your time judging how other people are choosing to spend it.
Ok sorry for the little tangent there, but I feel like it needed to be said. And for those of you saying in your mind “Okay Ashley, not all of us have the time to jet off out of the country this summer”… girlfriend. ME EITHER lol. I most certainly will not be taking a trip to Europe this summer, as much as every atom in my body wants to live out my best pasta eating, wine sipping, Italy swimming, Amalfi exploring life. I gots things to do. But does that mean I won’t go soon? I’m gonna plan the trip, okay? And you should too. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Europe. But somewhere that makes your soul smile and you forget about all the nonsense going on in the world. We ALL need a little piece of that… I don’t care who you are.
In the meantime, check out this Aperol Spritz Recipe to sip on this summer and transport yourself there…
Any who. On the topic of Europe vacations, I’ve been day dreaming about this hypothetic wardrobe that I would have while I was there. There are some pieces below that are totally splurges. You may even gawk at some of the prices. But if I’m going to Europe, you’re going to catch me in at least ONE beautiful designer piece, okay? And I will have a photoshoot in it with the beautiful European landscape in the background. Glad we settled that.
Check out some of my favorite summer, Europe vacay, living your best hot girl summer, romantic novel, Pinterest girly looks below:


Rompers, Jumpsuits, other:

I hope you all enjoyed this Summer Europe Vacation Outfit inspo! Hopefully it gave you a little motivation to live your best life today also I hope you guys have a great weekend! Cheers!