Tips on Staying Productive From A Busy Mom of Two: Erin Condren
This “Tips on Staying Productive From A Busy Mom of Two” post is sponsored by Erin Condren but as always all opinions and thoughts are my own.
If you follow along with my blog or social media at all you know how chaotic my life is. Not only did my husband and I both decide to venture into our own companies within the past year but we also added a baby to that mix. So now here I am, mom of two, trying to balance life. Clearly it can be done, moms do it every day. You just have to prioritize.
I was invited to an amazing event for Erin Condren a couple of weeks ago and learned so much about being organized and all the sweet goodies Erin Condren offers. (Plus we had some pretty amazing appetizers at one of my favorite places, Adele’s.) As a mother to two children under the age of 5, who runs all parts of my blog, YouTube channel and also my family (taking care of kids, cleaning, cooking, baths, the million activities Keatyn does after preschool), I need structure more in life more than ever. Now, I’m no expert by any means, I run around like a chicken with my head cut off 90% of the time but I am offering some tips on staying productive to help you get organized.
- First and foremost, make a schedule and a deadline for projects you want to tackle. 9 times out of 10 I’m gonna complete my task if I set a guideline for it because I’m now holding myself accountable instead if saying “Oh I’ll do that tomorrow”
- Prioritize what’s most important. Decide what needs to be tackled first and then go down the list.
- WRITE IT DOWN. Again, if I write it down I am definitely more likely to hold myself accountable. I know there are so many apps you can download to stay organized and I have a lot of them. There’s just something about writing it down for me though. I’ve always been a list maker and it helps me get my day in order.
- Get a good planner. My Erin Condren Life Planner™ is literally saving me from being a train wreck. I customized it with not only my name but the prettiest floral cover. I’m also a pretty big fan of the cute stickers to use during my scheduling. Whenever you make plans for any event or need to keep track of tasks and errands, mark them in your planner. I also suggest color coding your planner to organize it even better. Otherwise it’ll all blend together and certain tasks won’t be set apart. Also take your planner with you wherever you go so you will remember to put any tasks or events in your schedule as soon as you find out.
- WORK. After you make the schedule and get it all delegated, GET IT DONE. The long you put it off and procrastinate just adds more to do on the following days in your schedule. Stick to your schedule and tackle those goals.
Also, BREATHE. Life is stressful, I get it. Try to live in the moment as much as possible. In the meantime, go to Erin Condren and look through all the amazing goodies she offers. The Life Planner™ is a game changer. You can get 15% off your purchase until 7/31/17 with code: GETSOCIAL15 Hope you guys enjoyed my tips on staying productive.