Yup. The U.S. is still in the midst of the COVID-19 quarantine, which suddenly forced Americans, and the rest of the world for that matter, into living our “new normals.” But, let’s be honest, there is nothing close to “normal” about this surreal situation.
Out of necessity for overall public health, our country, which was founded on freedom, is having to live a less free, more isolated lifestyle. No matter if ‘we ain’t got time for that’ or not, life has come to an abrupt halt and the grocery stores don’t have enough lemons to make my lemonade.
With no definitive end in sight to our confinement during this pandemic, most of us feel extremely helpless, out of control and straight up stir-crazy. We may lack patience, answers and toilet paper but have a plethora of anxiety, uncertainty and TIME on our hands at home.
Did I just say plethora of TIME at home? Oh hey, 2020 spring cleaning, I was just thinking about you and all the excuses I don’t have anymore…shit.
Unless you are part of a pocket-sized group that includes Einstein, Mark Twain and Steve Jobs; whose unorganized desks and work areas helped them to be more creative and innovative, then you should live under the mantras of:
More mess, more stress. More clutter, more chaos. Outer order, inner calm.
Basically, ‘Safer at home’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘saner at home’ (*yes I know that the word saner is not grammatically correct, but its incorrect for effect). Scientific studies have shown the cluttered life causes undue stress and can be detrimental to one’s mental health. I for one can attest to that. I have mounds of projects I start and don’t finish which in turn has made my home cluttered and overwhelming.
A cluttered environment can inhibit your ability to focus, be productive and process information. Additionally, there are many negative emotions associated with untidy atmospheres such as: embarrassment, anxiety, guilt, frustration, and depression. These emotions make it difficult to relax, both mentally and physically.
However, if you are like me the thought of tackling “spring cleaning” can be freaking overwhelming and produce similar negative emotions. Especially in this unprecedented time, in which I am constantly wearing TOO many hats; new hats that are out of my league btw, on top of the usual hats I wear like wife, mother, boss babe (let me have the babe part- I need it), caretaker, etc.
So, to avoid adding a ‘psych ward patient’ or ‘drunk wife’ hat to my collection I have decided to control the things I can control in my life; starting with embracing this unique opportunity to keep my spring cleaning simplified but still clean like I have never spring cleaned before.
Below I am sharing some ways I found helpful to maintain the sane by organizing the whiz out of my house.
How to Keep Spring Cleaning Simplified
- Pre-Organize. Feel more confident and productive by creating an organization or declutter chart. Free printable charts are readily available online. If you have a plan of what you’re doing you’re more likely to follow through.
- Tackle one project at a time. Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting lofty, unreasonable goals or starting too many projects at once. Its easier to start organizing when they seem like manageable projects.
- Use the 4 Box Method. Find 4 boxes and label them: Trash. Give-Away. Keep. Relocate. And get to sorting.
- Designate a place in “its area” for everything. For example, beauty products in the bathroom cabinet. Pots and pans in the kitchen drawer. And so forth. Seems simple, but things easily get misplaced in households with more than one member, so assuring things have a place in their “place” helps prevent clutter.
- Find creative ways to organize. Pinterest website is my go-to for organization ideas and inspiration. The Container Store website or Amazon.com are some of my favorite (and contactless) places to shop unique storage items.
- Sort and file papers. Piles or stacks of papers in random places around the house can quickly compile and make a house feel unkept or messy. Simply sort or file papers into folders and/or binders and keep them out of view. Its truly instant gratification.
- Do the 12-12-12 Challenge. This is a way to involve the family with a little healthy competition. Each person is responsible for 12 items to throw-away; 12 items to donate; and 12 items to return to their designated place.
- Try the KonMari Method. Marie Kondo, a Japanese Tidying Consultant, designed this method for people who struggle to organize by location and prefer to organize by categories instead. KonMari is comprised of “6 organizing rules or guidelines”- to follow simply visualize your ideal lifestyle and then ask if an item “sparks joy.”
- Closet Hanger Experiment. Oprah Winfrey endorses this way to specifically organize your closet wardrobe. Just take all the hangers and place them in the opposite direction from what is “normal.” Once you have worn a clothing item, hang it back up the “normal” way. After 6 months or so, you can reevaluate your closet and see what items you wear and what items you do not use.
Feeling a little overwhelmed y’all? I’ll stop there. I find organizing is a lot like exercising; it might not sound like fun, but I’ve never once regretted making myself do it and feel very accomplished and satisfied once its done.
The true key to organization is maintenance- check out this extraspace.com article for more organization suggestions and ways to maintain your tidy abode once you have done the really burdensome work.
Hope y’all find these strategies helpful in your organizing endeavors! And hey, here is a silver lining to this ‘safer at home’ COVID-19 quarantine: home-cooked meals means you won’t have to declutter the fridge, your family will do that for you!
Do you have any extra tips on how to keep Spring cleaning simplified? Let me know in a comment below!