Jacket || Pants || Shoes

Well it’s Thursday in Nashville and we are getting the leftover weather from Hurricane Harvey and the roads are bad. I hope everyone is staying safe, wherever you are. We had a friend’s birthday party downtown and in a matter of no time it rained enough to flood certain areas. I’m terrified of a 2010 Nashville flood repeat and my mind can’t stop thinking of the people in Houston. My friend Vanessa has put together a blog post full of helpful information to help the Harvey flood victims HERE.

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I have joined forces with a couple other bloggers to do a fun fashion link up and this week it’s SHOES! I’m pretty excited to share one of my new favorite pairs. I am glad to be a part of Larissa and Jacqueline’s link up this week.


1. We kindly ask that you follow the two hosts: Larissa from Living in Color on Bloglovin, Jacqueline from Stylin’ In St. Louis via Bloglovin, and myself, (guest host) Ashley of Nashville Wifestyles. (The first 3 links in the link-up.)

2. Please link back to Larissa and Jacqueline’s blog on the post you linked to, stating that you joined in on the fun over at Spotlight Weekly.

3. Enjoy reading other blogs and make new blogger friends!

SPOTLIGHT: This week’s spotlight is Kristy of Style-Blueprint. Jacqueline and I adore her look from last week’s link-up! Be sure to stop by her blog and say hello.