How to entertain kids during covid19, tips featured by top Nashville mom blog, Nashville Wifestyles

Parents Survival Guide to COVID-19 || How to Entertain Kids

How to entertain kids during covid19, tips featured by top Nashville mom blog, Nashville Wifestyles
How to entertain kids during covid19, tips featured by top Nashville mom blog, Nashville Wifestyles

Hopefully, as responsible parents, we are taking the recommended safety precautions at home and therefore not panicking over COVID-19. However, rightfully so, we are panicking over 3-4+ weeks of being “quarantined” with our kids.

Working from home can be nice and all, when the only babies you have are the furry kind. But for parents, working from home means there is literally little to no separation between our work life and family life.

FACT: Saying to my two little darlings, “I have to get work done and need you to play quietly by yourselves for a bit” is automatically translated in their minds as “let’s play 20 questions; then repeat” OR “get into everything you shouldn’t in 5 minutes flat.”

So, for the sake of being productive while keeping the kids entertained with something other than “screen time”,  I am sharing with y’all some creative boredom busters to entertain those bundles of joy and provide parents with bundles of sanity.

Plus, to help ease any financial stress COVID-19 might be causing, these ideas are fairly simple and either DIY projects made from household items or very affordable and can be ordered online at places like Target, Amazon or Walmart. You can even arrange drive up or in store pickup for Target and Walmart.

And easy is my kind of creative; easy on the pocket book, your nerves and your home decor. You’re welcome.

(1) Boxes. Shoe. Cardboard. A make-believers paradise. You name it. Boxes have endless possibilities. Let the inner creative in your child’s imagination loose. Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling:

  • Drive-In Movie Theater– Let each child turn a large box into a personalized car. They can decorate it, use paper plates for wheels. Once finished, grab their favorite blanket, pillow and stuff animal; pop some popcorn and turn on the Netflix! (ok. a little screen time for this one.)
  • Pet Home- My girls adore their pups. So, why not ask them to make their beloved pet (or stuff animal) a cozy home. Preferably a taller box, put on its side so the flaps are the doors or can be cut off for easy access to their furry siblings. They can decorate both the inside and outside with stickers or markers.
  • Coloring Corridor*For the younger kiddos. Set them in a box and let them go ham with crayons or washable finger paint. This keeps them contained and saves the walls from being used as a canvas.
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(2) Laser Maze. This is a good way to test your kids ninja skills or coordination. All you need is a hallway, crepe paper and a touch of randomness. The complexity of the maze can vary with age. The objective is to get through the maze without ripping the crepe paper. So simple this is literally child’s play.

(3) Pom-Pom Racing. Use painter’s tape to make zig zag parallel lines, creating a “road or “track.” Pick a pom-pom. Use a straw to blow the pom-pom, keeping it in between the lines from start to finish. This can be individually timed or create side by side racing tracks and race each other.

(4) Tissue Paper (*crepe paper is another option). An amazing way to reuse tissue paper from previous gifts or celebrations. Also usually found at the dollar store. Another favorite word- DOLLAR $. This one’s for any interior decorators or artists in the family, which in our family is my eldest. (Dollar General also has in store pickup through their app so you can limit your time in store)

  • Stain Glass Window– Frame with tape a piece of plastic wrap on the window. Cut up a variety of colors and let them glue or tape abstract designs to create a stain glass look. You can also print out an image and tape it under the plastic to help guide or inspire designs.
  • Tissue Paper Transfer Art The results are sure to make the artist in the family feel like the next Picasso. This project does call for specific “bleeding tissue paper” and canvas board that are found at Walmart or the dollar store.

(5) Indoor Camping. Of course Nashville’s forecast this week calls for rain, so even backyard play is now limited. Lucky for us the outdoors can be brought indoors, with all the amenities of home. If you don’t own a real tent, go old school by using pool noodles and sheets or chairs and blankets. Tape Christmas lights on the ceiling to create a starry effect. Want a burn-proof campfire- flameless candle and rolled up brown construction paper “logs” will work. Lots of innovative ways to go “glamping”.

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(6) Balloon Tennis. Sports might be postponed for the Spring but it doesn’t have to be in your home. Indoors, tennis balls and rackets don’t mix well with kids and/or dogs.  At least not at our house. However, if you have a couple fly swatters (preferably clean), blow up some balloons and draw a “net” using a line of tape. You have yourself a kid-friendly, mother approved tennis match. It can even become a solo game of not letting the balloon touch the floor.

(7) Nerf Target– Its obvious by the empty grocery store shelves, SOME people will have more paper towel and toilet paper rolls than others. So here’s a creative way to put those cardboard rolls to use. This game requires a nerf gun, some light balls (think ball pit balls), a place for your “targets”. Be sure to make the “targets” different heights and a marker to assign points to each target. This is a secure target practice that doesn’t offend PETA. Also might be fun for adults to play against each other to ha.

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(8) Marble Run– Now this looks like hours of fun! Break down cardboard boxes so they make a long ramp. Use popsicle sticks and glue obstacles for the marbles and at the one end line up paper or plastic cups to catch the marbles. You can assign a certain amount of points for each cup and keep score. This is a hassle free way to keep the little ones amused and give parents a much needed break.

(9) Activity Kits– An incredible place to online shop for craft supplies is Michaels website. They are consistently offering discounts and promotions that are definitely worthwhile. Its an easy site to navigate since you are able to search by age group. Plus, I found a plethora of impressive activity kits in the kids section. The kits are broken down into various categories such as: fashion, craft, sewing/weaving, gem/crystal, science, art, etc. I also highly recommend ordering on Target, Walmart or Amazon and having items delivered or drive up pickup.

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(10) Barbies/American Girl/Dolls – This is something most of us already have at home in some fashion. We do SO much Barbie & American Girl play in our home. I think it’s wonderful for the imagination. Play out certain scenarios with your kids with the dolls and even have “school” at home with the dolls. Teach them by playing. If you are looking to replenish your doll stash order online with pickup or shipping.

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(11) Pretend Play – Again I’m sure most of you have this stuff at home but if you don’t pick up in store or have it shipped. It’ll come in handy regardless for creative play. Grocery store items, Cleaning supplies etc. Kids love to play games that challenge their imagination plus it’s fun for us adults too to let our inner kid out.

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Also if you’re able to at home, get outdoors and play. Vitamin D is essential for a reason and not just for physical health. I know a lot of Spring Break plans were ruined but have your own spring break. The above DIY ideas, Target, Walmart, Amazon and Michaels website will hopefully ensure at least a few days of avoiding the dreaded “I’m soooooo bored” phrase. I’ve also attached some fun toys below to help entertain. As stressful at it is to be at home balancing it all with the kids, take this time to really make some memories. Now turn off the news, go wash your hands for 20 seconds and maybe grab your own cardboard box…full of wine.

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How to entertain kids during covid19, tips featured by top Nashville mom blog, Nashville Wifestyles