Hi loves! Today I’m sharing Mother’s Day 2022: What Mom’s Really Want this year for Mother’s Day. I’m sharing all things a secret guide into the momma world! Whether you’re looking for tangible gifts, or ways that you can spoil your mom this year, you’ll find all the tips and tricks that you need right here! Keep reading to see what I think the momma’s out there in 2022 need this year…

It’s crazy how in an instant your life can be turned upside down by becoming a mother. This powerful force hits you like a bomb. You start to wonder how you even lived before your child was here. What was my purpose… but you can also start to feel worn down. Becoming a mother is one of the most selfless things you will ever do. We sacrifice our bodies, our sleep, our freedom, our personal space, showers, alone time with our significant other. We sacrifice our time and watch our friends experience life around us with complete freedom. It’s so easy to lose yourself in this journey. It’s so easy to start to feel under appreciated.

Mother’s Day feels like a holiday to me because it’s the one day most of us can feel celebrated for all the hard work, blood, sweat & tears we put into our families. Ideally we should be appreciated 24/7 but a little extra doesn’t hurt right? So, when it comes to Mother’s Day 2022: What Mom’s Really Want, what do we want? Do we wanna be showered with extravagant presents? I mean it couldn’t hurt ha. I’m sure there are some women who are like that and want presents for their duties. I’m not one of them. Wondering what moms really want for mother’s day? I’ll give you an idea or 9 in my Mother’s Day gift guide…
Let’s start with the Mother’s Day 2022: What Mom’s Really Want non-material things :
- A day off. The most important gift right here. A day off from hearing the word mom a gazillion times. A day off from vacuuming, mopping, cooking the entire house a meal, giving baths. Does that mean we don’t want to be around our kids for Mother’s Day? Of course not but it would be nice to enjoy time with them without having to feel like a servant for the day. As a mom, it’s hard sometimes to disconnect with the daily stress long enough to savor the small moments with your children. By taking the daily chores of motherhood off the table for the day you’re actually focused on spending quality time with your kids. That way you’re not secretly counting down til bedtime.
- A shower/bath. Like an actual one. Not one where you’re jumping in and out just to get clean. I wanna take showers like Dad does. Let me soak in the water trickling on my face. Let me soak in a bathtub long enough to prune up. Heck maybe even have time to dry my hair and put some makeup on instead of that wet bun I’m usually rocking. Sometimes, just sometimes I enjoy looking like a decent human being.
- Pampering. Speaking of baths…bring her some champagne or wine in there. Yes. I make sure we have champagne in our house the weekend of Mother’s Day because mimosas are a MUST for my one day of relaxation. Bring it in there and serve her like the freaking queen she is.
- Sleep. We just want to sleep in. No waking up at 5 am with the babies or having kids jump on our heads at 6:30. Let me rest and get rid of these dark circles. Again we gave up sleep the moment we gave birth to our offspring, so occasionally it’s nice to reminisce on that one thing we used to take for granted pre-kids. Also what better day to throw a nap in there too while we’re at it?
- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Let me be off the hook for the making of meals this day. I don’t care how you do it.. take us to brunch, order delivery or cook. As long as I’m not the one in the kitchen, I don’t care.
- Alone time. I can’t even go to the bathroom without an army following me, ya feel me here? Let me shut the door and go to the bedroom when I want. Let me read or write. Let me go watch a movie. Let me garden. Let me do whatever I want for this one day. Honestly I’ll probably end up snuggling with my babies on the couch or playing outside at some point but just let it be MY choice.
- A Clean House. What mom doesn’t want a clean house? If you say you don’t, I’m calling bs. The times that I’m not caring for my children, I’m cleaning this house. I’m not asking for a deep clean here but just make sure clutter is picked up, dishes are done, the beds are made, laundry is put away, counters are clean and maybe ya know…do a quick vacuum & mop if you’re feeling extra sweet
- Honey do lists. Just knock off some of the stuff she’s been nagging you do. Or hire someone to do the little tasks for her. It will truly make her happy because it’s showing that you hear her when she’s asking you to do yard work or hang something in the house. (I know, I know it can be annoying when you’re asked to do so much at home but she’s asking for a reason)
- Acknowledgement & Appreciation. I know it’s hard after a long day to work even more when you get home but the truth is she doesn’t STOP working. Like ever. Moms are expected to work 24/7. Our job doesn’t end until the kids are asleep and even then we are expected to be on. On to finish any household jobs that weren’t completed, on to do the work from our jobs, on to tend to our children if they wake up. We are powerhouses and we do it all. That’s ok, I’m not asking for an award but some acknowledgement would be nice. Appreciation would be nice. Just show the mom in your life how much it means to you that she does all the things she does for you.

Mother’s Day 2022: What Mom’s Really Want Material/tangible things that she will love/use + things that will make her feel special:

The truth is that we do the things we do for our children because they are our world. I would choose every single “downside” mentioned above of being a mom just to be their mom. I chose them over me. And I couldn’t be happier with my decision. The truth is they gave me life. They gave me purpose. They fixed the broken parts of me. They taught me what love is. I love seeing life now through their little eyes. The world has a completely new meaning to me now and I’m forever grateful. They have blessed me beyond measure. Being a mom was my calling and it’s now up to me to bring a good, loving human into our world. Change starts with you and how you parent your children and teach them to treat others. Raise them to be kind and be a good example. Man, can you see how important of a job being a mom is? You’re killing it. Good job momma, you deserve this day.
** While this day is extremely important to celebrate the mommas in our lives, let’s also talk about just like on Valentine’s Day, we deserve the love and appreciation every day not just this day. Just make this day of celebration a little more EXTRA, ya dig?

Honorable Mentions for the Mother’s Day 2022 Gift Guide (Not expected but appreciated):
- Flowers
- Chocolate covered strawberries
- Take me to a nice brunch.
- Surprise me with that new outfit, shoes or bag I’ve been eyeing. Take me somewhere nice in it.
- A spa day.
- A new car! You get a new car, you get a new car, you get a new car. Just kidding, that’s a tad much.
On a serious note, I hope all of my mommas have an AMAZING Mother’s Day because sister, you deserve it! Love you guys xoxo.
Do you have any extra thoughts on Mother’s Day 2022: What Mom’s Really Want? Let me know in a comment below!