Love Yourself First. Treat Yourself. Spa Day at Osho Collective.
If you follow along with my story then you know I am a mother whose life is mostly chaos, most importantly mother with a newborn. When you have a child, you relish any moment of free time you may be blessed with. When you have more than one, you literally bolt out the door the second you can. When I had the chance to have a spa day, I not only indulged but I savored every second.
I had a long talk with my sister in law over the holidays and she told me I needed to invest in more me time. I, of course, being a parent thought to myself “I don’t have time, my kids need me.” I have been doing a lot of soul searching in the past year to find out what truly makes me happy because the hard truth is when you become a mother, you lose a but of yourself. That’s ok because you should be selfless most of the time for your children. But you know what? You should have be selfish sometimes. You need time for yourself, you need to pamper yourself. Because if you’re not happy, if you’re not mentally well…guess who suffers also? Your children, your partner. They need you to be at your very best just as much as you do. So I have made a point to do more self loving. One of the things to start this journey is pampering myself more.
Before having my first child, I think I’ve only had one facial and one massage. Period. In 28 years of life, that’s ridiculous. In the past 5 years since she was born, I have had a handful here and there. So on my road to self love, I made a promise to myself that I would get a massage, facial and blowout once a month preferably but at the very least every 2 months. I’m thankful that Osho Collective, a new spa & salon in Nashville granted me with a day of relaxation to experience all these things and more.
Herbal Foot Soak
I started my day with an herbal foot soak which is something I had never experienced. I have such a hard time letting myself go or releasing. When I sat down, Gabrielle (the owner) gave me a blanket, a warm neck compress and a mask to get all the feels and all comfy. From there, she poured the water in the foot tub. Here’s a little info on that for ya because I didn’t know either.
“The Herbal foot soak is really to art of setting the body in such a way that supports the body’s ability to release stress and to receive healing/nurturing. Stress being the largest factor for most health issues (physical and emotional), every movement/service on the Osho wellhouse side is held with the intention of releasing stress/trauma in the body and supporting the blossoming, growth, and alignment of our clients life force (authentic happiness). All of the soaks are made in house by are magical apothecary artist Alyson Spence. The house soak (the osho soak) is a combination of woodsy tones for grounding and a light citric element which is uplifting to the spirit, resulting in a really smooth balancing of the body’s vibration. It also contains epsom salt, pink salt, and dead sea salt that work as powerful clearing agents and help to relax muscles. Once the body is set and cozy, we begin the pouring of the water, pitcher by pitcher, beginning to open the body’s senses and promote rejuvenation. With the warm neck wrap and hot tea, combined with the indigenous music you are bound to step into another world. After this journey, you may find yourself particularly rested, centered.” (Gabrielle)
It was really really hard for me to shut down and enjoy but I really tried. A day at the spa is a “destination to transform your psychological and physiological well-being.”
Customized Facial
Ok I’m gonna be real with you for a moment. That was hands down the most relaxing facial I have ever had in my life. Their aesthetician, Christina Gandy, is simply magical. She’s so amazing I went back. And I will go back again very soon. I kept asking her over and over about all of the relaxing, heavenly smells. She’s not paying me to say this either haha… she’s the cat’s meow for sure.
The skin care line used is Eminence, an all natural, organic line. Facials helps release tension from the face, neck and body while rehydrating and nourishing your skin. It can take years off your face with regular visits. Here is a little something, something I found from Miss Christina regarding facials:

60 Minute Massage
I swear these opinions are my own and it seems like I’m sugar coating everything but I’m not! With that being said, again this massage was the best massage ever. Keep in mind I like deep tissue massages. When I am asked how I like my pressure, my response is “I wanna feel your fingers in my bones.” Yes I’m aware how truly creepy that sounds but hey, it’s me. I like rough massages, sue me. I was extremely heart broken when the massage ended. Note to self: next time do 90 minutes or more. Robin is a genius. And when I complimented her on this at the end, she said it was;t the first time she’s heard it so it MUST be true, Simply magical.
Guide Session
This was the part I was most nervous about. I am an extremely private person unless you’re a close friend of mine. I was terrified to discuss anything about my feelings or life etc. Yah I’ve got trust issues and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Gabrielle’s way of explaining the sessions are like this “The guide session is an experience of being guided to a deeper listening on ones true/higher self. It would be like having someone hold up a mirror to your emotional body to help you see where you might be holding old trainings and experiences that are likely the cause of our feeling stuck or unhappy. A guide session is used to help people navigate their internal waters to get where they are really trying to go, to get fulfillment.”
Going through life like I have (like a champ btw) I have really learned to zone in on what makes me me and what makes you you. The guide session is very therapeutic and could really benefit someone who is going through rough times or really just need to rid their soul of some junk. Personally I feel like I’m pretty good at that myself because like I said, I am really trying to take care of myself lately. I let myself feel, let myself cry, let myself be angry. Holding anything inside your soul just isn’t good for your well-being. Gabby is really talented in the way she can zone in on your concerns and internal battles.

Jessica Mallum
Well, I experienced the Wellhouse side of Osho and it was awesome but I spend most of time in the salon side of it because that’s where my girl Jessica Joy is. Jessica has beautified these locks of mine for nearly 5 years now. She is the artist behind this blonde mane. It’s only fitting that I end my day in her chair. She is the queen of blonde hair but she is uber talented in hair color alone. She’s literally the She is a top notch PerfecTress Hair Extensions Specialist and educator. One of the very best here in Nashville, Girl is wicked talented.
Here is the latest magic she has worked on my hair and the bottom pic is my sweet friend Sheeva.
Bonus if you live in the Nashville area, Osho is running an AMAZING February special that I personally am snagging. Such a great deal. I definitely recommend the facial & massage. Let them know I sent ya! Xoxo