Soothe Coughs & Sore Throats with Vick’s Filter Free Cool Mist Humidifier

It’s that time of year and I’m not talking about the fun Christmas kind. I’m talking about allergy and cold season. My family especially has been through the ringer. We have went through so many boxes of Kleenexes I should be their spokesperson at this point. Currently Charlie has been coughing through the past two nights. I’m exhausted and I’m sure she is as well. So I wanted to share a few tips to get you through this rough season by using Vick’s filter free cool mist humidifier.
How to Sooth Coughs & Sore Throats with Vick’s Filter Free Cool Mist Humidifier
- Get a good humidifier. We love our new Vicks® Filter-Free Cool Mist Humidifier to help with coughs and congestion. It helps add moisture to the air to break up dry throats and helps with coughs etc. It also gives off cool mist for up to 33 hours and requires zero filters. I can attest to its durable ability to add needed moisture to the air. It also super easy to clean and fill with water. I just add some vinegar or bleach every few days. ALSO I would suggest getting the humidifier cleaning fish to help with mold prevention.
- Wash your hands. I can’t repeat this enough. I read in an article the other day that a classroom did an experiment on Bacteria. They took 4 pieces of bread and put them in a ziplock bag. 1 completely untouched, 1 touched with hand sanitizer, 1 touched with hands washed with warm water and soap and 1 touched with unwashed hands. The results were enough to ensure you will wash your hands from here on out. The untouched obviously was in perfect condition, as was surprisingly the the one touched with washed hands. The one with hand sanitizer was moldy and the one with touched hands was disturbingly full of mold. You can see the results here.
- Vick’s VapoRub Salve. It’s the world’s #1 selling cough and cold brand for a reason and it’s a go to when one us is coughing or having sinus issues. I used it on Charlie’s chest the past couple nights to help relieve her strong cough issues.
- Vick’s Personal Sinus Inhaler. When it comes to the sinus inhaler, my sister is obsessed! She is someone who severely struggles with allergies multiple times a year, so a couple weeks ago when allergies hit her again, I knew this product would be perfect for her. With the way it shapes your face almost like a mask specifically for your nose and throat, the vapor flows smoothly through your nasal passages giving almost immediate relief. She even added in the Vapor Rub cartridge for an added relief – which not only feels amazing but smells so good. Needless to say, this product is perfect for allergies, cold/flu symptoms, and any other respiratory issues.
- Humidifer Cleaning Fish. Ok I had never heard of this thing but how stinking cool is it! You just drop it into your humidifier tank and it reduces up to 99% of odor causing bacteria, unsightly mold/algae growth versus untreated humidifier surfaces.
- Hydration & Rest. Keeping yourself hydrated and rested is so important not only for daily life but especially when you’re sick or under the weather. Hydration and also rest have healing properties because rest re-energizes your body and mind while hydration helps loosen mucus and replace electrolytes lost. Try DripDrop for your kids to get in those extra electrolytes. You mix the powder in water to rehydrate and it has a proven ratio of sodium, sugars and water, formulated to quickly replace fluid and electrolytes. It packs 2-3 times the electrolytes of sports drinks and 25% more than pediatric alternatives with dramatically less sugar.
- Honey mixed in a tea or on its own. Research has shown that honey is an effective wound healer which would make sense to help speed healing for irritated throats.,
So those are some of my favorite products and suggestions. I hope you guys stay healthy this cold season!
Do you own a Vick’s filter free cool mist humidifier? Let me know in a comment below!
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