I never thought I’d be a dance mom but I don’t hate it. I’ll admit the worst part is the very end: Recital. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy watching it but it’s just so much time and work. You spend months sending your child to class to build up to this moment, seeing them on stage and feeling your heart burst with pride. I remember my first year entering in the dance world with Keatyn…I had absolutely no idea what to do. To be honest it took me like two years to figure out how to prepare for a dance recital. (Year before last I forgot her freaking curls. MAJOR mom fail. Thanks Jennifer for having an extra) So I can help guide you moms and dads to the best of my knowledge finally.

So a couple years ago after I had Keatyn I remember running late to the dress rehearsal and panicking and meeting my friend Farrah as I was walking in assuring me I was fine and had it under control. I then met a few new friends Jessica, Jennifer, Bridget and Heather during that rehearsal that definitely help make dance so much better for me. You definitely need mom support if your child is in dance. I know things like this can feel cliquey and uncomfortable but once you find other moms you fit with it makes the memories so much more special. So in addition to that here are a few tips:
Pack your lunch and your child’s lunch on the day of dress rehearsals and dinner on recital night. You could even bring a small rolling cooler.
Bring a blanket and or something comfy to sit on while you’re waiting to go on stage. They ask you to get there so early but you mostly end upsetting around for so long.
Hang everything for each individual dance in one bag (costume, accessories, tights, shoes, makeup, hair) to have ready at your disposal. You may sit there for awhile in the beginning but once the dances start going it goes by really fast so be prepared. Also that eliminates losing something if it’s all prepped in one bag. Believe me I’ve lost something I’ve needed and you don’t want that to happen.
Don’t forget the hairspray haha or a brush and extra hair ties. Don’t be like me, be the prepared mom.
Bring snacks but make sure they’re not messy ones that will mess up their costumes or makeup. Trust me snacks and drinks are pricey in concession.
Bring something to entertain them like games, coloring books or even a tablet. The girls had so much fun playing games while waiting last year.
Last year the other moms I hang with all split up drinks, snacks, dinner etc for us and the kids. I think that’s a brilliant way to cover all bases and keeping each person from bringing a ton of things.
Bring wine if you’re allowed to have it. At TPAC they have a bar and mark it all up obviously so if you can bring in your own bottle and have a glass backstage to calm your nerves do it sis.
Bring your child flowers! My hubs and FIL always bring Keatyn flowers at every show. It’s just that extra step that make her feel special.
Take ALOT of pictures and videos. This time in your life goes by so fast and you’ll look back on them often with happy thoughts.
I’m not sure about the location you may have your recital in but ours in downtown Nashville at TPAC so it gets VERY hectic trying to park, walk in etc with all of the items you’re carrying. If you’re in a high metro area I would advise using Uber and having them drop you off so you don’t have to carry it all while walking a few blocks. My husband and in laws always meet me there so we just ride back with them.

Most of all have fun!!! If you have any tips you’d like to share as well on how to prepare for a dance recital please send them my way. I hope this helped a little! Xo.

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