Hi friends! Today I’m sharing my Home: Modern Easter Decor Favorites. Easter is one of my favorite holidays of the year because it means it’s finally Spring time here in Tennessee! Spring weather is the best here. Everyone truly soaks in every minute of it because once summer rolls around, it’s just too dang hot. Anyway, keep reading to see my top Home: Modern Easter Decor Favorites this year!
Not only do we get to celebrate our lovely Jesus Christ (which is the true meaning of Easter not the bunny we’ve all been raised to love and celebrate) but we get to indulge in all the fun activities in his honor. As a kid I remember my Easter outfit being planned for weeks and spending the day in church, family feats and Easter egg hunting. My stepmom always put the most fun gifts in the plastic eggs and she continues to do so for my kids. Now as an adult I find myself containing the traditions, whipping up a four course spread of yummy foods, coloring Easter eggs, overeating desserts, and running around in our pastel little sundresses are some of my very favorite things. We are big fans of Easter baskets in this family as well. I know my two girls look forward to Easter every single year as it’s an excuse other than Christmas morning to wake up at 5:00am and expect gifts! I love keeping the Easter bunny tradition alive. It truly is so amazing to see the joy on their faces when they wake up in the morning and then continued throughout the day!
There are so many fun tasteful ways that you can decorate for Easter while still following the decor theme of your home. If you’re anything like me, I don’t love throwing off the themed decor that I’ve worked so hard to make all flow together. It can be hard to decorate for holidays when you have a specific decor aesthetic but trust you can use classic staples you already have in your home and build off of that. I’ve put together a variety of options for you so that you don’t have to choose between not decorating this year and living up the Easter cheer! Easter is such a joyous holiday for us for many reasons. Everyone in the family gets to enjoy it!




Between decor favorites, Easter adult beverages, entertainment ideas, food recipes, and more – you can expect to see more Easter themed content throughout this month into next! Speaking of, I’m attaching a super yummy southern brunch spread below that I created last year. I highly recommend checking it out if you’re planning an Easter weekend brunch at home: CLICK HERE
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found some inspo for decorating your own home this year. Peter Cottontail will be excited to visit Thanks for reading!