Home Decor: Top 25 Boho Bedroom Decor Ideas

Best Loungewear by popular Nashville fashion blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of a woman sitting on a bed and wearing leopard print pajamas.

Hi loves! Today I’m introducing my Top 25 Boho Bedroom Decor Ideas! Boho style has always been a favorite of mine and it is a style that has really been timeless throughout the years.

Hi loves! Today I’m introducing my Top 25 Boho Bedroom Decor Ideas! Boho style has always been a favorite of mine and it is a style that has really been timeless throughout the years.

I love watching the Boho style evolve. You have everything from classic, to modern boho, colorful, neutrals, and more! If you’ve been following my journey for a bit, you know that we are currently working on renovating/making over our home! This has been a long and stressful journey, but one that has really allowed me to pour some creativity into my life.

Top Nashville Lifestyle blogger, Nashville Wifestyles shares her Boho Bedroom Decor Ideas 2021!
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I’ve been back and forth between Boho and Mid Century Modern and at this point I feel like I’ve really just mixed the two together! In a way they sort of go hand in hand so all is well.

If you’re from the Nashville area, you know how absolutely NUTS the housing market is currently. It’s a complete sellers market, not a buyers market. I’m sure you’ve seen the memes should you have engaged with anything real estate related in the past couple of months! I mean, it is simply out of control.

With that being said, we have been looking to prep our home for resale and begin the hunt to our new home. With how crazy everything has been, we have taken the time to slow our search a bit and really focus on getting our home in the best condition. I’ve almost fallen so in love with it that I’ve begun to question whether or not I actually want to move lol! My style has been ever-changing over the past few years but there are certain decor items that have stayed steady throughout my different phases. From project to project, I’ve realized that Boho has been extremely consistent.

That’s why today I’m sharing my Top 25 Boho Bedroom Decor Ideas with you! You can find boho bedroom decor at quite a few different stores, but I chose to include Anthropologie (duh), Urban Outfitters (DUH x2), Target, Walmart, Pier 1 Imports, and Etsy! Whether you’re looking to splurge or save money, there is a store out there where you can find your dream Boho Bedroom decor.

Dropping some Boho decorating inspo that I’ve organized in my own home below:

I hope you all enjoyed my Boho Bedroom Decor Ideas 🙂 I would love to hear about what y’all loved the most in the comments below!