Hello sweet peeps! I’m finally back from a wonderful Florida vacation. I love seeing my little one’s eyes light up at Disney World…and I’m not gonna lie, the inner child in me gets pretty excited as well. I came home to Nashville on Saturday and had an awesome welcome home party with some flu like symptoms. Yay me. So I am writing in bed at the moment as I try to get well.
Life has been crazy with the holidays. Family in and out, traveling, New Years. I don’t know about you guys but I’m in a major demand for some relaxation. I’m pretty sure that’s how I ended up sick. Just in case you are feeling a little cruddy or stressed yourself, I thought I might share a few things that help me unwind:
Draw a bath. I use 1 cup of epsom salt, essential oils ( My personal favorites are Doterra Lavender and Breathe), Lollia Relax Bubble Bath or their Love Bubble Bath and clearly grab a glass of wine or champagne (I got these adorable Pop Clink Drink flutes) and a book to take in the tub with you. Lavender oils help me relax and sleep better, while the Breathe oils….drum roll please….help me breath My friend Tiffany turned me onto the Lollia bubble bath. First off, it’s freaking adorable and bottled like wine. Who doesn’t love wine?! On top of all that cuteness it feels so luxurious. Obsessed. Now ENJOY and lock your bathroom door because I promise you if you have children, they’ll find a way in there.
That’s all.