Holla Halloweenies! Can y’all believe it’s almost October? One of my favorite parts about Halloween is the freedom to become someone new, escape reality, be your alter ego, be SCARY, be magical… be whatever you want! That’s why today I’m sharing this awesome and timeless Harley Quinn costume idea with you all! I don’t know about you, but I think Harley Quinn is a staple for Halloween. You have to be her AT LEAST once in your many years of dressing up. It’s just too fun acting like daddy’s little monster.

I’ve been a huge fan of Halloween as long as I can remember. Does that make me morbid? I don’t think so but sadly as a child I often felt so guilty about enjoying the festivities associated with all Hallow’s Eve. I would have scary movie marathons all month long in anticipation, plan out multiple outfits and parties. I remember being like 9 years old and dressing up as a witch and I spray painted my hair black and my neighborhood crush told me I looked like Kelly Kapowski…maybe that’s where my love for Halloween started. I mean that is the ultimate compliment. Zach and Joey McIntyre were my first loves. Remember how easy going childhood used to be? Your parents set you off in your costumes and slowly followed behind as you ran from house to house. How is it different now that you’re an adult? Well let’s see…

As a young girl I just wanted to be creative with my outfits and people think I was cool. As a young adult you go for the sexiest outfit like a slutty nurse or teacher or well anything once again to be “cool.” As a mom now I walk around in a matching family costume. My parents made my costume every year or put a trash bag over my head and turned me into a ghost. As a mom now we scour through Pinterest and GO ALL OUT in the details to be the best dressed or shelled out lots of money to have elaborate costumes. My parents dropped me off and my brother and I, along with the neighborhood kids, ran from house to house alone in the dark. Parents now, including myself, would NEVER do that. We follow closely behind while watching them trick or treat. I mean we might have a hot toddy or wine in hand but we are right there being the helicopter parents we are.

Immediately after getting our bags of candy we dumped it out on the floor and went through it like savages when I WAS little. NOW it is too scary to eat things from people you don’t know so we check for holes etc. The dentist has a program where kids can trade in candy for toys or gift cards. – Elisabeth Twohill. When you were too old to trick or treat but wanted the candy so you wore a mask and costume so no one would know or “took your younger sibling” just to get the free candy. Now you can actually get fined or serve jail time if you’re over the age of 13 apparently. Um what? The entire month of October WAS spent having scary movie marathons every weekend and hoping your crush would come over and protect you. Oh wait, that hasn’t changed but now it’s just my husband.
With all that being said, I don’t think you’re EVER too old to dress up for Halloween. Us adults are allowed to have fun too! Whether you’re attending a fun Nashville pub crawl or handing out candy at the door while your kids go trick or treating, this is a great costume idea. Harley Quinn is ICONIC and always will be. I don’t know that this costume idea will ever go out of style.
I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse of this Harley Quinn Costume idea! Be sure to head to my Instagram @nashvillewifestyles for a little IG Reel visual of how this look turned out.