Hi friends! Today I’m sharing with you the one the only… Halloween Snacks: Hocus Pocus Charcuterie Board. Y’all know I am all about going balls to the wall with content this time of year. Keep reading to see how I created this iconic Halloween Charcuterie Board (that I will now be replicating every year) that you should 100% duplicate at your upcoming parties.

Speaking of… the Hocus Pocus 2 premiere is on FRIDAY 9/30! If you’re not watching or throwing a little something something, wyd? We’re almost to my 31 Days of Halloween content and of course I’m starting early. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that Matt (my husband) and I are huge entertainers. We love having friends and family over for game days, holiday parties, weekend grill-outs, and more. Any excuse to be with the ones we love, we are taking FULL advantage of – especially after this crazy couple of years we’ve had. I’m just so thankful that we’re all able to be together again.

I LOVE a good themed treat board, cocktail, appetizer, you name it. I think it’s so fun putting a twist on every day drinks and food. Plus, it really is a creative way to wow your guests. You’re already making the food and cocktails anyways, so might as well make them on point with the spooky season. Below I’m sharing some tips and tricks for how we put together this super fun Hocus Pocus Charcuterie Board as well as how ours turned out. We can’t wait to see how you recreate this one.

• 3 wheels of Brie
• Witch finger pretzel rods
• Veggie chips ghosts and bats
• @sweetchaossnacks Halloween popcorn
• Charcuterie pinwheels (i got mine from @traderjoes )
• Salami rolled long ways for Winifred’s hair
• Olives
• Blackberries
• Pumpkin candy
• M&Ms
• Yogurt Pretzels
• Crumbled Cheese for Sarah’s hair
• Black olives for eyes
• Rasberries for lips

Tag me if you make this and be on the look out for my #HocusPocus BOOOOOOK Brownies and Witches Brew Halloween Cocktail! Right in line with the theme too of course.

You can also always find a ton more recipe content on my dedicated food and cocktail recipe Tiktok -username @whatashleyeats as well!