As you’ve probably heard me say so many times, Christmas is hands down my favorite. What makes it even sweeter is watching my children experience it. I always dreamed of sitting around the Christmas tree with my family and now I finally get my time. I have been racking my brain on some family holiday traditions I would love to incorporate and I’m also sharing the ones I’ve been doing.
Decorating Gingerbread Houses & Baking Cookies || This is one of my favorite family holiday traditions with Keatyn and soon Charlie. First off, I love to bake, but it’s even more fun to teach my littles ones. It was my own personal tradition pre-kids to bake everyone all sorts of cookies for Christmas and holiday parties. Now that my time is a little more stretched thin, I save those moments for my kids. Our personal favorite is chocolate chip because duh, chocolate. Depending on how much time I have I go back and forth between from scratch cookies and packaged ingredients. I went to grab a few things from my local Dollar General the other day and grabbed a ton of stuff under $25 to make a fun night for Keatyn and my little sister that was in town. The gingerbread house was $9, chocolate cookie mix $1, milk tumbler $1, cookie tin for $2.50, I even got a cute decoration for the door for $3 and a gift bag and box for $3 total.
Use code FREESHIP over $4o
Christmas Morning Breakfast || This has been one of the family holiday traditions that my family has done for years. We go all out. Bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy and hash brown casserole. It’s a great way to spend time together Christmas morning after seeing what Santa brought. Our local Dollar General is a “market” as well so you can buy grocery items at a discounted rate.
Elf on the Shelf || Oh Sparkle, you have been a little menace at our house for 3 years now and this year you brought your friend Glitter for Charlie. I know a lot of people think these guys are creepy, but I think they’re hilarious. The best part is it gives me creative ways to prank my child, but the worst part is some nights I forget (hey elves get sick too). I think it’s best to just not be judgmental about what other parents do with their kids. I personally like the elf and she keeps my daughter straight. If you knew Keatyn and how strong-willed she is, then you would get it.
Nutcracker Ballet || I have been going to the ballet for years and the Nutcracker is one of my top three favorites. I remember going as a child. A few years ago when Keatyn was two, I started bringing her along. It’s our thing now and soon Charlie will join us. We go have a nice brunch with her grandmother and dress up all fancy. Check our Nashville’s Nutcracker until December 25th.
Wear Matching Pjs || Yes I’m that mom who makes my kids match. It’s even better when they can match me as well. I LOVE matching jammies. I’ve attached some of my favorites in my Shop Christmas page on the blog.
Decorating the Christmas Tree || MY favorite part of the year is after Thanksgiving when I can finally put up my tree with no judgement. Keatyn decorates with me. We have the main big tree, a 6-foot-tree in the dining room and a smaller tree in her toy room with all her ornaments. Dollar General also has some adorable ornaments for both your tree and your kid’s tree for $1. They also have really cute Christmas decor (see my mini wreath above).
Give Back || We always adopt a few angels off the tree to give children a good Christmas and also donate to Toys for Tots, but there are other ways you can teach your children the meaning of Christmas and how to give to others.
- Making homemade dog treats for the local animal shelter.
- Sending Christmas cards to the military or kids/adults in the hospital.
- Do a clothing drive for warm apparel for kids and the homeless during the winter.
- Pay it forward by paying for the person behind you in line’s coffee, lunch etc.
- Serve meals to the homeless.
- Collect gently-used clothing and items to donate.
- Adopting a “grandfriend” at an elderly home. So many people in these homes are either without family during the holidays or have just been neglected by their own. Children can brighten anyone’s day.
These are a few of our favorite family holiday traditions. I’d love to hear some of yours! If you live near a Dollar General make sure to head in to check out their great pricing on holiday decor, stocking stuffers, holiday baking and gift wrapping. You can also order some stuff online and it ships free over $40 with code FREESHIP.
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