Romance might be the last thing on your mind after 2+ months quarantined with your significant other (who knew someone’s chewing could be THE thing that sends you over the edge?!). Which is why coming up with and carrying out a few date night in ideas is so important!
Sure, the first few days of quarantine were cute- longer cuddle time, slower mornings, tag teaming household chores or kid duty with a smile, home for dinner at the same time (or all the time for that matter), tackling home projects like champs…
But then. Hello quarantine reality… no boundaries between work life and home life, tight living quarters (no matter how big your quarters really are), boredom from monotony, financial stresses, COVID-19 anxiety and depression begin to creep in, no where to get away and no end in sight.
You are becoming delusional- risking COVID-19 just to get out of the house alone is sounding better by the day…whoops, I mean just kidding??
With the “new normal”, it can be a struggle for me just to survive the days, let alone want to work on my relationship with my husband. I’m lucky, he’s my best friend and he hasn’t driven me as crazy as I’m sure most couples have felt. But the stress is still there for the both of us.
We have the QUANTITY of time together, now we just need to focus on the QUALITY of time together. And I know we aren’t the only couple struggling during this pandemic.
But I have come to believe if couples can be mindful and purposeful with their time, quarantine could actually strengthen their bond.
So to help y’all from throwing more fuel on the relationship fire during COVID-19 quarantine, here are some creative date night ideas to help keep the spark alive and the passion burning:
Date Night In Ideas
- Dress up for a night in. Yes, that means you have to actually change out of your sweats, shower, shave, and remember what you looked like “pre-quarantine.” Then meet up at the kitchen bar for a glass of wine or 7. Light some candles. Make a charcuterie board. (I just got some great home entertaining beauties from Mudpie a couple of weeks ago. You can use my code NASHVILLE20 for 20% off also) Play some jams. Relax together. Bow-chika-wow-wow.
- Game night for 2. Since sports aren’t a thing right now, try playing board games or tackling a puzzle. This is a perfect idea for the competitive couple. Challenge yourselves. Get nostalgic with some old school board games or a good old fashioned (or not old fashioned) puzzle.
- Movie night. At our house, movie night has turned into movie day, movie week, movie while working, movie while sleeping, movie in the morning, movie in the afternoon, movie in evening, movie whenever you want. However, since movie theaters are closed during the “safer at home” policy; new releases are now available to watch at home (for the same price as buying tickets at the theater). So pick a time to watch and cuddle. Plus, at your movie night at home there is a pause button and an endless snack bar for a tenth of the cost.
- Paint night. Creativity is good for the soul. It is good way to release anxiety and create tangible memories together. Y’all can find painting tutorials online as well as supplies. Also, if you have barely mastered the stick figure and painting seems like a bit much, try coloring. Just google adult coloring books to find the perfect one for each of your skill levels and interests (*free printable coloring pages are available online).
- Host a dance party for 2. Music makes everyone happy. Dancing and singing to music makes everyone more happy. Doesn’t matter if you suck at either…even better…its just your significant other anyways. So pick your favorite play list, challenge your partner to a dance off, or karaoke (free on youtube) , learn a dance together on tiktok (its a social media things the kids are doing). Just get footloose and drop it like it’s hot from the windows to the walls.
- Workout together. You know what they say burns calories…a bedroom workout. With gyms being closed, at home workouts are readily available with a quick google search. Working out produces higher levels of serotonin- a hormone that helps us to feel happy. So doing it with someone you love can only add to your happiness! Post-workout treat yourself as a couple and order a healthy smoothie or unhealthy desert to be delivered to your doorstep!
- Take a “virtual trip”. COVID-19 has put a damper on a lot of things but especially any travel plans. For those couples bit by the wanderlust bug, who are going stir crazy or had to actually cancel a real trip, create or (recreate) a “virtual vacay”. You could plan a menu for a night full of foods and drinks that are native to the place y’all are “traveling”. Many museums from cities all around the world, like the Louvre, are offering “virtual tours”. Research the destination and see if there are any available documentaries or other “tours” online. We were supposed to go to Italy this fall among many many other trips we had planned. So this might be the closest we will get for awhile. Y’all could even reminisce by looking at old photos of past vacations taken together; focusing your minds on the good things in life. (I’ll be thinking back to Scotland or Napa Valley)
- Grab a drink together. You may not get to do cocktail hour or a night of drinks like you used to but you can make your own set up. Have you seen the Revo Coolers? It’s basically your own bar. Its so cool and also perfect for entertaining with a Bloody Mary or Mimosa bar for brunch, alcohol seltzer bar, margarita bar or beer barge. They’re $40 off right now too. I’ll share a photo below. For healthy options I love Yuengling’s new FLIGHT beer too because it’s low calorie and low carb since we are all suffering from that COVID 15.
As cliche as it sounds, all relationships take work. None of us are perfect. It’s not always your partner’s fault (just 99% of the time). Quarantine is going to bring out the worst in us at times, due to being forced into isolation for a long period of time.
I wouldn’t recommend overthinking or gauging how good your relationship is or isn’t during this pandemic. Too much of any good thing can be TOO much.
As long as y’all understand the challenges ALL relationships will face during this batshit crazy COVID-19 pandemic, can laugh at yourselves and are intentional with your time-together, your relationship can come through this stronger than before.
Find the silver linings. Hide the knives. Use this time to grow. We are going to be O.K. and, if not, therapists do offer virtual sessions.

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What are some of your favorite things to do with your significant other? Let me know in a comment below!