Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this cute fall sweaters post, which means I might get a few pennies thrown my way.

CUTE FALL SWEATERS by Nashville fashion blogger Nashville Wifestyles



CUTE FALL SWEATERS by Nashville fashion blogger Nashville Wifestyles

CUTE FALL SWEATERS by Nashville fashion blogger Nashville Wifestyles

CUTE FALL SWEATERS by Nashville fashion blogger Nashville WifestylesCUTE FALL SWEATERS by Nashville fashion blogger Nashville Wifestyles

Photos by Chelsea Rochelle


A little life update at the moment: Currently I’m typing this after 4 days of my husband being gone. Mind you he’s been home but basically gone the week prior as well. And he’s till gone. Single moms, I have hella respect for you. This is hard, especially since I work full-time from home. Also I don’t know about your kids but mine are always the worst when my hubs is out-of-town because they’re upset and acting out. My husband is extremely hands on and an amazing dad but he’s so busy since he has a start-up company, that it’s typically me doing it all with the kids. And most days I’m a trooper but these past few weeks have been kicking my butt. I’m dead and tired. I look like I have aged 10 years and yes that’s possible in a matter of weeks because when you’re sleep deprived your body shuts down. Momma needs sleep and lots and lots of H2o. I’m kinda losing it.

I have had too many talks with myself to count the past few weeks because I know this is temporary. I’m trying with all I have t let it go and just enjoy my children. It’s so hard when you’re driven and you have all this work to do that keeps piling up but no time to do it. I need help, I’m drowning but yet I continue to take on more. It’s the woman in me, ha. We just try to tackle it all but we can’t girls. We’ve gotta take care of ourselves better. I’m gonna touch more on that later with a more in-depth post. A few topics to look out for from me the next week: how to distress furniture, a girl’s night in Nashville post, how to start a blog and some tips, a bathroom tweak without paying for a full remodel and many more. Stay tuned!

I did link my favorite bell sleeved sweater for you guys up top because well it’s gorgeous, on sale and one of my favorite cute fall sweaters. ALSO if you guys haven’t heard of Macy’s Backstage yet, I’m about to make your day. We have one in Cool Springs now and it has blown my mind. I found sooooo many cute shoes for dirt cheap there & brand names! Like the ones I’m wearing above. Plus Calpak luggage half off and so much more. It’s very similar to Home Goods &TJ Maxx. I just picked up some gorgeous pillow for winter. If you have one close you HAVE to go.

Anyway, love you guys and hope you’re having a great week. xo.


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