Chili Onion Crunch Fried Egg and Avocado Toast Recipe

Are you a fan of avocado toast? Then you’ll love this Chili Onion Crunch Fried Egg Avocado Toast recipe! This dish is perfect for those who want to add a little spice and crunch to their classic avocado toast.

I stumbled across this recipe and TikTok the other day and have been absolutely hooked ever since. I have always been a big lover of avocado toast, but was getting a little bored of always making it the same way. That’s why I was so excited when I found this little recipe twist!

You guys know I am a big Trader Joes gal, so any gems that I can find and buy on repeat make me so happy. Hence, this amazing crunchy chili onion! Check out the details below for what you’ll need at your next trip to the store and how to make this delicious and easy breakfast or lunch meal!

Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

  • Trader Joe’s Sourdough bread
  • Organic avocado
  • Egg
  • Trader Joe’s Crunchy Chili Onion
  • Sea salt
  • Organic honey

To make this recipe, follow these simple steps:

  1. Toast your sourdough bread and spread ripe, organic avocado on top.
  2. Sprinkle sea salt over the avocado to enhance its flavor.
  3. Add approximately a tablespoon of Trader Joe’s Crunchy Chili Onion to a pan and let it fry for a few minutes.
  4. Fry an egg in the pan with the chili onion, seasoning it with a pinch of salt.
  5. Once your egg is fried to your liking, add it to your avocado toast.
  6. Drizzle your organic honey on the egg for a sweet and savory touch.

Your Chili Onion Crunch Fried Egg Avocado Toast is now ready to enjoy! Not only is this dish delicious, but it’s also packed with nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and healthy fats.

By using organic ingredients, you can ensure that you’re consuming wholesome, high-quality foods. Plus, this recipe is perfect for anyone who loves a good brunch dish with a little kick.

Overall, this recipe is a healthy and satisfying meal option that is sure to become a staple in your kitchen. Now, make sure to try it at home and impress your friends with your culinary skills!