Once again I am bringing another week of the booty challenge with Heather from My Life Well Loved and Jessica from Happily Hughes. It’s been a crazy time in the Houston home so I’m a bit behind but the great thing about this challenge is that if I miss a day, I can just tack it on at the end. I hope you guys are enjoying this booty challenge and are on track to your booty goals.
If you’re behind on the challenge, you can still do it! Either start now at week four and then start at week 1 or start from week 1 and go from there.
Booty Challenge Week 4 Workout:
Day 1: 30 minute HIIT- Sprint/speed walk 1 min and walk slowly 1 min. Make sure this is done on a hilly surface!
Day 2: 30 squats, 30 lunges, 30 kickbacks, 3x:30 wall sits
Day 3: REST
Day 4: 30 regular squats, 30 sumo squats, 30 sumo deadlift high pulls, then 3xexhaustion squat holds with pulse
Day 5: REST
Day 6: STAIRS! 30 minute HIIT of stairs. You can sprint up and walk down, lunge up and walk down, bunny hop and walk down. Mix it up and burn that booty!
Day 7: REST
To celebrate the end of the booty challenge, Jess, Heather and I are teaming up to gift you gals a Fit and Pretty Giveaway because strong is beautiful! The $200+ value giveaway includes a $50 Sephora gift card, Orgain protein powder, Mac makeup, and other beauty faves like rose bath bombs, masks, skincare and more! To enter to win, use the rafflecopter widget below!
Hope you have a lovely week ladies! You can find my Kayla Town Square 2.0 eBag (pictured above) that I use to tote my things to the gym. It easily carries my yoga mat plus has RFID pockets with card slots and a passport pocket and is lined with protective material.