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Best Halloween Decorations
Other than Christmas, Halloween is my favorite time of year. It’s like the one time all of us weirdos band together to promote spooky stuff; like the best Halloween decoraitons. I know, it’s kinda weird when you think about it. But I look at it like it’s the one time of year we can pretend to be someone else. I already plan on wearing like 5 different costumes this year. If anything 2020 is the year to yearn for a escape from reality, am I right?
Why do we love Halloween so much though? It’s obvious why kids love it. They love to play dress up and well the CANDY. As adults we love it for a number of reasons. Making Halloween treats, decorating our homes spooky and Halloween esque but most importantly we love it because it brings back our own memories of a time when life was carefree and we ran around our own neighborhoods as kids. It gives you a chance to be creative in decorating, make elaborate Halloween themed foods and a chance to express our creativity into something else.
I love playing with colors and different themes each year. This year is no different since we will be spending a lot more time at home. How do you plan to celebrate this year? Make sure to check out my other halloween posts like Halloween At Home Ideas On A Budget, Halloween Party Essentials for Less Than $50. Happy Halloween friends!

What do you think make the best Halloween decorations? Let me know in a comment below!