Best Halloween Decorations by popular Nashville life and style blog, Nashville Wifestyles: collage image of black and white checkered pumpkin, skeleton tea towels, Witch Please sign, ghost decor, owl decor, spooky sign, 3D bats, and spell book decor.

Best Of Halloween Decor 2020

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Best Halloween Decorations

Other than Christmas, Halloween is my favorite time of year. It’s like the one time all of us weirdos band together to promote spooky stuff; like the best Halloween decoraitons. I know, it’s kinda weird when you think about it. But I look at it like it’s the one time of year we can pretend to be someone else. I already plan on wearing like 5 different costumes this year. If anything 2020 is the year to yearn for a escape from reality, am I right?

Why do we love Halloween so much though? It’s obvious why kids love it. They love to play dress up and well the CANDY. As adults we love it for a number of reasons. Making Halloween treats, decorating our homes spooky and Halloween esque but most importantly we love it because it brings back our own memories of a time when life was carefree and we ran around our own neighborhoods as kids. It gives you a chance to be creative in decorating, make elaborate Halloween themed foods and a chance to express our creativity into something else.

I love playing with colors and different themes each year. This year is no different since we will be spending a lot more time at home. How do you plan to celebrate this year? Make sure to check out my other halloween posts like Halloween At Home Ideas On A Budget, Halloween Party Essentials for Less Than $50. Happy Halloween friends!

What do you think make the best Halloween decorations? Let me know in a comment below!