Best Books For Self-Healing ||What To Read With Your Downtime

Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. 

Self Healing Books by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of a woman sitting on her blue couch and holding the Childhood Disrupted book.

I’ll admit even as an avid reader I struggle to find the time to read like I would like to. Lately I’ve been going through some personal stuff with family and have started back to therapy. I started listening to books on Audible since I didn’t have the time to sit down and turn the pages and it has been a game changer for me. I am a firm believer in self healing in any way that you can instead of holding it all in as I once did. My self healing journey is not over but through some amazing self healing books that guide me into this process, I am well on my way. I wanted to encourage you especially during this time to take on this process to help yourself too. Maybe that’s through the loss of a loved one, dealing with a break up, feeling the stress of parenting or a damaged relationship with a family member. Whatever your struggle may be, diving into it and taking on the issue can be extremely vital for your well being.

11 Inspiring and Self Healing Books (I couldn’t pick just 10):

Mix of self-help, spiritual, inspiring, and informative books for your general well-being.

10 Books For Self Healing From Childhood Trauma:

As someone who has endured her own trauma with an unhealthy parent, I think these books are amazing for a damaged parental relationship or abuse in general in childhood.

10 Books For Breakups/Divorce:

It can feel like the end of the world when you’re experiencing heartbreak. Hopefully these reads help you get through it.

10 Books When Grieving:

Losing a loved one is one of the absolute hardest trials you will experience in life, if not THE hardest. These books are about all forms of loss to help.

10 Books For Parenting:

Parenting is one of the hardest journeys I’ve embarked on. It challenges you in a way like no other. You are not alone and it takes a village.

Self Healing Books by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of a woman sitting on her blue couch and holding the Childhood Disrupted book.
Self Healing Books by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of a woman sitting on her blue couch and holding the Childhood Disrupted book.

Whatever you may be experiencing to seek out self healing through self help books, sometimes it is just better to hear it from an unbiased source. I hope these books give you promise and help you on your journey. Feel free to drop any suggestions on other self healing books in the comments below.

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Self Healing Books by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Nashville Wifestyles: image of a woman sitting on her blue couch and holding the Childhood Disrupted book.