Hi friends! Today I’m sharing my Beauty Review: Exclusive Before & After Physiq Body Treatments photos and information with you all. If you’ve been working your butt off in the gym and that still doesn’t seem to be cutting it, I’m here to tell you about an amazing body contouring treatment that will blow your mind! Keep reading to find out why Physiq Body Treatments were my go-to for getting rid of those stubborn problem areas.
What is Physiq Body contouring?
Physiq Body Treatments are non-invasive body treatments that utilize STEP technology (Sequential Thermal & Electrical Pulse) for the body by incorporating both electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) and a super luminescent diode matrix (SDM). To put that into simple terms, Physiq Body Treatments work to target multiple areas of the body (even small parts) that you may have trouble burning fat or gaining muscle definition. This dual-modality system targets deep tissue to reduce adipose tissue (fat) using thermal heat while re-educating the muscles through electrical pulse stimulation.
Physiq Body Treatments are comfortable and require NO DOWNTIME. With a mom on the go, the “no downtime” element is absolutely key. Not only that, but I can pop in and out whenever I need to in between running the kids to school, taking them to their before and after school activities, my work day, etc. What I especially love about Physiq Body Treatments are that you feel like you’re completely in control. Sometimes it can be scary exploring new treatments on your body. Physiq Body gives you the freedom to use a control button to quickly adjust the energy modulation and fine-tune your comfort level without waiting for the staff to help! TBH I am a baby when it comes to contractions and only made it up to level 11. The heat I could stand but the contractions were a stretch for me.I typically sat at about a 6 but if you can go higher, DO IT!!! That just means better results.

So how does it work?
You can choose to use two, three or four applicators to target one or more body areas during a session. These applicators are what provide the crazy great benefits! With all the demand for non-invasive body treatments these days, this is something that I can get behind. You’ll typically lie down and have applicators applied. It cycles every 4 minutes between the heat cycle and the muscle contraction stimulator until it’s finished. Treatments can be a tad uncomfortable when going up into the higher settings. If you are uncomfortable I’d suggest starting with a lower setting and slowly increase intensity over the sessions. For the most part I was able to lay there and chill while catching up on emails.
Does it work?
This is the question I’m sure we all really wanna know right? Well for me it did. Will it work for you? I definitely think results vary but I believe my body was a perfect fit for maximum results. I have been working out since May so I definitely think that helped. You can’t always walk in expecting immediate results but I think me pairing the sessions with regular workouts helped me tremendously. Also my main issue was my abdomen after surgery so I definitely think its a great option for someone after abdominal surgery, c-section or post pregnancy (after you’re cleared by a doctor) and significant weight loss.
My final thoughts are I’m extremely happy with my after results and would love to revisit again next year. If you’re in the Nashville area I went to Rewind Medical Solutions in the Westhaven area of Franklin and Angela is absolutely amazing!