Hi everyone! Today I’m sharing my Beauty: a Complete Fall Makeup Tutorial. You all know that I love sharing seasonal makeup looks with you. Keep reading to see the products that I used for this specific look and why!

As the months get cooler, our skin starts to get a little dryer and more dull looking. There are many ways to combat this which I actually discuss in a separate post that I will link here: 5 Products to Transition to your Winter Skincare Routine
During this time of year it’s super important to use products that moisturize your face and never dry it out more than the weather already is! That’s why a lot of the products that I use tend to be more glowy and include an arrangement of highlighters. Right now my the highlighter that I’m absolutely loving is the Lancome highlighter which I will link for you below! It just gives you the perfect glow without ever making you look oily! I feel like I just came out of a fresh facial every time that I use this highlighter.
Highlighter is a lifesaver for so many reasons. Us older women (believe me, that was hard for me to type), have to sculpt out those cheekbones and find our brow bones! I love to use my highlighter all over but especially on the cheekbones, brow bones, nose, and the cupids bow above the lip. I actually add a liquid highlighter to my foundation! I have found that mixing the two together makes for the perfect overall coverage. It also helps if you’re really trying to trick people into thinking to just have amazing glowy hydrated skin.

I usually go with more of a full coverage look in the fall and winter months considering there is usually some sort of entertaining going on at our house. Here are some product highlights below where I will also be including the links to shop everything that I used to create this super fun fall holiday makeup look
- Shape Tape Concealer is literally my best friend. She always will be.
- Remember to SET all of your makeup. This is super important for a full coverage look.
- Highlighter is your very best friend. Use it on your cheekbones, your brow bones, your cupids bow, etc. I even mix it with my foundation to achieve a full coverage glowy look!
- For fair/light skin tones like mine, I love the Fenty Lavender because it really gets rid of any dullness that we struggle with this time of year.
- For lips I always go with berries, nudes, browns, and wintery pinks! I love a classic red sometimes too. For this look I used the Charlotte Tillbury 90’s deep mauve darker nude to fit in with this fall holiday look!
Shop all the products that I used here:
I hope you all enjoyed this look as well as these 5 little makeup hacks for achieving the perfect fall makeup look this year! Thanks for reading!