As a busy working mom my time is literally stretched thin. It’s my own fault I can’t fit workouts in but honestly I need every minute of sleep in the morning and at night I am too exhausted to do anything. Before Charlie was born I was in the best shape of my life, working out 4 times a week. I’ve had a gym membership since then and haven’t touched it. I tried everything, had a trainer come a couple of times a week here in my house and she was amazing but I simply can’t afford 4 times a week which is what I needed. So I started searching for the best at home workouts that would make it convenient for me to get a workout in daily, even only 20 minutes. When I worked out in the gym my favorite machines for fat burning cardio were the stair stepper (because hello booty) and elliptical. I decided to try Bowflex Max Trainer because it in my opinion is a healthy medium for both. It’s kind of a combination elliptical stair stepper. The option of the stair stepper for your lower body but the elliptical arm bars for your upper body strength training. So essentially it is designed to help burn more calories but in less time. SIGN ME UP.
Bowflex Max Trainer

Whats the cost?
Well the Max Total is the highest priced of the Max Trainers at $2799 but with almost a 10 star rating, it’s worth the price tag.
What are the Pros?
Well it’ll kick your butt in the best possible way for starters. My husband has been on our machine almost daily and he says it’s intense. It’s a different breed because it not only provides you with a higher calorie burn and total body training but it is 2x easier on your joints. It also includes multiple HIIT workouts that are designed to help you get in a workout spending how much time you have to spare, burning maximum calories.
Here are some specific highlights:
- The console. It is a Samsung touch screen and it’s amazing.
- You can see your workout stats on the touch screen.
- You can stream Netflix, Amazing Prime and Hulu while you workout. Matt loves to watch a show while we does it to pasts the time.
- The Max Total also has : upgraded arm bars with multiple positions, double-track design for more stability and an upgraded quick-resistance control.
- It comes with a Free 12-month subscription to Max Intelligence. Max Intelligence is an add on option that gives you customized, individual workouts tailored to your specific needs. Also as your fitness level elevates, Max Intelligence adapts your workouts to help you push forward and reach new fitness goals.
- If you wanna have a scenic view when working out instead of streaming tv shows or movies, you can also tour real maps (19 different scenic locations around the world) through virtual reality as you work out.
- Trial tests have shown that you can burn up to 2.5 times more calories than your typical, standard fitness equipment like an elliptical, stair stepper or treadmill. In fact you may be able to burn 600 calories in 30 minutes. Thats insane!
What are the Cons?
Honestly the only real “con” I can say it that it isn’t compact for storage if you’re wanting something that you can move in and out. Other than that I am extremely happy with our decision to go with the Bowflex Max Trainer Total.
Final Thoughts.
Ok so I have needed this kick in the rear to get myself back in the game. Having this machine in my home has made it so much easier when I am wanting to get a quick 15 minute workout in whenever I can fit it in with the kids. As a busy mother with kids at home I am always trying to fit in eating, showering and exercise in any small window I can. And it gives me more time at home with my husband because he’s not having to get home late after going to the gym. It’s a win win for us. If you’ve been on the fence I hope this article helped seal the deal because as you guys know I would never promote anything I didn’t stand behind. Stay safe! xo.
*I received this machine to review but as always all opinions are my own.
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Do you own or have you tried using a Bowflex Max Trainer? Let me know in a comment below!