Valentine’s Day has often been considered to be based around couples etc. As so many people demonstrate each year, that idea has went out the window. Valentine’s Day is now a celebrated day of love. Come on who do we love more than our kids! Ha. I always try to make each and every holiday special for my kids not because it’s necessary but because I love making special memories with them each year that they can look back on years down the road. “Your kids need your presence not your presents.” Remember this lovely quote…it speaks the truth. As a 30-something year old woman now, I can barely remember specific things my parents bought me as a child but I do look back fondly on the special moments we had together.
So what are some things you can do to make your little one’s Valentine’s Day special? Here are 9 Valentine’s Day ideas for you & your kids…
- DO CRAFTS WITH THEM || My kids LOVE to do anything involved with creativity. Coloring, making crafts, you name it. It’s their favorite thing to do. I found a ton of fun crafts at Dollar General for $1-3 that they are having so much fun with. Pinatas, make your own cards, mailbox etc.
- MAKING VALENTINES FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY || Since Keatyn is in school she has to make valentines for her classmates (I found these adorable & witty ones for $2) but we also buy a box for her and Charlie to give out to family and friends outside of school. We found the cutest inexpensive DIY Princess Castle Valentine’s mailbox for only $3!
- MAKING THEM BREAKFAST || I think my kids would flip if I made them heart shaped pink pancakes or waffles, right? It really doesn’t take much more of an effort. Just make your usual pancakes and add a couple drops of food coloring in the mix.
- BAKING COOKIES/CAKE || You can either Pinterest recipes if you have time or just buy the remade or easy step ones like I typically end up doing. This strawberry cake and gluten free strawberry pink icing would be perfect. Or red velvet is always a crowd pleaser and go to.
- GET THEM A PERSONALIZED TOKEN/GIFT EACH YEAR || I still remember how my dad got me Valentine’s every year and flowers. Even when I moved away to college and I was having such a hard time fitting in and being away from home. I remember when the delivery showed up how much I wanted to cry tears of happiness when it showed up feeling so loved at a time that I felt so lonely. Even when you think a small gift wouldn’t impact them, know that it will.
- FAMILY VALENTINE’S FEAST || We all go out to dinner with our significant others for Valentine’s Day but I love cooking a special meal for my family with Valentine’s themed dessert. They are all the loves of my life and daddy and & I can go to dinner another time or after they go to bed.
- LET THEM DECORATE AN AREA OF YOUR HOME || Our kids get the toy room, it’s free reign. We keep it sectioned off to their space so they feel proud and we get to keep our area adult friendly.
- A LOVEFEST MOVIE NIGHT || Pop some popcorn, snuggle up and enjoy some kid friendly movies about kindness and love like Beauty and the Beast, Wonder, Shrek, Lady and the Tramp.
- WRITE THEM A LOVE LETTER/CARD || Few things mean more than words and although they may not see the value in it quite yet, you can guarantee they will a few years down the road. My Nana always writes long notes in my cards and when I was younger I would skim over it to get to the good part ie. the gift. Now as an adult, it is my most treasured gift. I saved every card and every letter and reading the sweet, loving words makes me feel so loved. That’s the best gift of all. Sometimes in the busy pattern of being a parent, we just assume our kids know how much we love them because we know deep inside how much we do but they need the reassurance. Sometimes it just takes hearing it to believe it.
I hope these ideas have sparked some creativity in you for this Valentine’s Day and many more to come. Also I hope the Valentine’s Day ideas for you & your kids show you don’t have to spend a lot of money to make it memorable. Quality time and thoughtfulness go along way and our kids just truly want to be shown how much they are loved. Xo.