Ok I can finally relax after one of the most stressful weeks my husband and I endure every year. Steeplechase.

The hubs and I.

One of my best friend’s Erica came to town to visit.
I know I told you guys last week I was gonna go ahead and apologize for my absence. This is one of the worst weeks we endure every year. On top of the fact that Matt just started his business this year and is in the running for Nashville Man of the Year, let’s throw on organizing a tailgate for nearly 200 people. Needless to say he wasn’t home at all last week. I was also slammed with working on things for my blog on top of having our daughter 100% of the time. I’m so glad it’s over but I would love to tell you guys all about it.
First off, I’ll give you the deets on Steeplechase. Iroquois Steeplechase has been a huge part of Nashville since 1941. Guests can enjoy food trucks, shopping and endless fun. Every spring more than 25,000 observers come to watch the most elite horses and riders in the world race over hurdles and timber on the track at the Iroquois Steeplechase. It is held the second Saturday of May at Percy Warner Park and the guests enjoy exclusively organized tailgates, private suites and boxes, and grassy areas for families while wearing their finest southern fashion including fashionable hats and all the seer sucker you can dream of. Honestly the best part of the Iroquois Steeplechase for me is the fashion and we all know this girl loves fashion.
Our tailgate Iroquois Steeplechase 101 won best tailgate last year so this year we weren’t eligible unfortunately. My husband and his partner organize a full open bar, bloody mary’s and mimosas in the morning, a catered breakfast and lunch, a full dance floor with a DJ, photo booth and beautifully decorated tables and chairs to lounge while you party like you’re in college. I know because 1. I have partied like I’m in college there once but 2. because I witness it every year nearly sober Plus any proceeds left over after funding the party are donated to LLS. It’s the best tailgate around, and not just because it’s ours haha.
We get there around 9 am to start the day. The race starts at 1 pm and ends at 5:30 pm. Sometimes I don’t even see a horse. I’m going to be honest, things can get a little crazy. That’s a long day for most people to behave after drinking so much. At least when they are a hot mess, they look cute doing it though, am I right? I did not drink one drop at this year’s Iroquois Steeplechase so I can fully detail the day. First off let me tell you all…my amazing hat that I paid $30 to have express shipped by Friday did not come. It was supposed to be delivered by Friday guaranteed but nope. I was very aggravated and disappointed but what can ya do? Oh well. Your girl was hat-less No best dressed list for me this year. Then we get there and it’s FREEZING. The coldest Iroquois Steeplechase I’ve ever encountered. Thankfully (and this was honestly the best part of Steeplechase for me) Shane Co. invited me and a friend as their guest to their box. My friend Erica and I hiked probably a mile to get there in our wedges, but it was soooo worth it in the end. They were the sweetest people. The food was delicious…I mean they had macaroons. That’s amazing. Then we got to walk downstairs to the box. That was inside and warm. I was sold. I didn’t even want to leave. I got to network with a lot of other Nashville bloggers & musicians and the ladies at Shane Co. were absolute dolls. We charged our phones, fed our tummies and chatted a bit, then decided to go back to the infield where the hubs was. They even had a golf cart take us back which was an absolute lifesaver and a very fun ride with some sweet ladies. Thank you so much for that amazing hospitality Shane Co.!!!
So, you think well that was a long day. Well….I’ve got more. After the Iroquois Steeplechase there is a bad ass after party hosted by Principle Cigars BMW Nashville. For ten years the Brentwood historic mansion, Boxwood Hall, has been the place to be after Steeplechase. We start around 6:30 or whenever Steeplechase lets out and are there all night. This is the largest house party of the year in Nashville. Live music, DJ music and dancing, wine by Black Box, beer by Guinness, Pyramid Vodka, food available in the beer garden and more. Principle Cigars and a full open bar in the 3rd-floor Angels Envy VIP bourbon lounge. Access to the After Party, free booze, etc. is yours for a charitable donation of $10 or VIP (3rd floor) access for a charitable donation of $50 (free if you were with their tailgate during the day or have a week pass). After Party proceeds also benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
I hope this gave you a little insight to Iroquois Steeplechase if you have been thinking about going or just curious what goes on. Definitely check out this Instagram for all the amazing fashion and hats. You might even see someone you know
Also if you live in the Nashville area and have no plans on Thursday please come out to Winner’s on May 19th 6:30-10 pm for live music and a silent auction benefitting LLS for Nashville Man & Woman of the Year.