This 5 tips for easing kindergarten anxiety post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of OshKosh B’gosh; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

back to school outfits

back to school outfits

back to school outfits

back to school outfits

back to school outfits

back to school outfits

back to school outfits

back to school outfits

Well it’s been about two weeks since my oldest started school. I honestly handled it a lot better than I though I would. I thought I would bawl my eyes out but I only teared up once when I picked her up on the second day and saw her walk out by herself. It’s so hard as a mom to let go when your children start to grow up. Keatyn was in preschool for 2 years but Kindergarten is no joke. She’s gone all day. I miss her like crazy.

At her school the children are expected to wear “uniforms” but in the form of solid polos or dresses etc. While I hate not being able to express style with her outfits, it does make things a to easier. We can always get creative with her hair and accessories.

Her first week went really well, we had a greta orientation. One of her friends from preschool ended up being in her class and two other girls ended up in the same school in a different class. I thought everything was smooth sailing…. until about a week in. Keaton started crying every morning because she just didn’t wanna go. At first I was frustrated because I didn’t understand. Then I took a step back and put myself in her shoes. Sure she went to preschool for 2 years but that class was also half the size of the one she’s in now. Plus she only went a handful of hours each day as opposed to 7. That’s a long day for a 5 year old. Since I’m dealing with this myself, I thought I would share some tips on easing that anxiety for your kiddos. Luckily I have an amazing mother in law who raised 5 children so I’d call her pretty experienced.

  1. Play “school” at home.We did do this a lot to prepare K for school. This will help get them acclimated to a school setting even if the “students” are stuffed animals. You can still display how to channel frustrations through role play. It’s a great tool to help young children accept change that may be frightening for them.
  2. Talk to your child with an open mind. Really listen to their fears and try not to transfer your own anxiety onto them. We don’t even realize how much of a sponge they are and how well they read us. The best time to talk to your kids is bed time. They’re tired and willing to open up like a drunk person. Trust me, I’ve been there but as the tired person.
  3. Touching on talking to your child… talk about your own childhood experiences. Become relatable to them. I tell K about all the instanced of my childhood I can remember to help get on her level. She loves to ask me questions about what I went through and my memories.
  4. Acknowledge your child’s fear and offer them love and reassurance. Isn’t that we all truly yearn for? We just want someone to tell us it will all be ok. Don’t downplay their emotions and say “you’re being silly, don;t be dramatic.” Everything is heightened to their little eyes and emotions. Just be their friend and listen.
  5. Help your child fit in and like school. Find playdates with their classmates. Friends always make it easier. Help with them their homework so they’ll feel confident. That was one of my biggest fears as a child… not being prepared and being laughed at. I see it in my daughter now as well. Help them be more confident by practicing with them.

One of the things I did for Keatyn to help her get excited about the start of school is shopping. You gotta start them young, what girl doesn’t love to shop. We shopped at Osh Kosh and found some adorable uniform options for school. I also splurged and got her the cutest pair of flares because I have a matching pair. I love to dress her like me and Osh Kosh is so trendy. Did I mention also priced very well.

Also now through October 2, 2017 save an additional 20% off your purchases of $40+ with the coupon at the bottom of this post to use in-store or online promo code OKBG3352. As a thank you for all of your support there is also a chance to enter to win a $50 Osh Kosh gift card below. Don’t forget to donate to OshKoshs B’gosh Jeanius Campaign while you’re shopping. This campaign runs July 25 through September 18 and donates clothing and school supplies to local communities in need. For your nearest Osh Kosh, the store locater is HERE.