5 Bomb Denim Jackets Under $100

Working the baby bump: dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles

Working the baby bump: Dressing while pregnant. Nashville Wifestyles


Ok getting a little personal over here on the blog. I’ve had the most stressful 24 hours for a 9 month pregnant gal. Last night my poor pup Piper aggravated her eye. (She was just at the vet Monday over a scratch on her eye but they just sent her home with medication.) She must’ve clawed it because it started gushing liquid and she was shaking and then wouldn’t even eat. I won’t go too much in detail because it’s pretty gross.

This morning first thing we woke up and drove her straight to the vet. My husband was sure she had lost her eye. Yeast looked that bad. Then I had to take my daughter to the doctor to get her 4 year shots. She did not handle that well either so my nerves were shot. I dropped her off at school after and then called the vet, only to have them tell me the nurse would have to call me to update me. After she was there over 6 hours, I finally got in touch with them and the doctor told me he did not think she would lose her eye. Basically the only good news. However, she had a deep ulcer in her eye and it’s bad. She is on 5 different medications for the next 2 weeks and she looks absolutely pitiful. I’m really worried. So please guys say a prayer for my sweet pup, she’s in a lot of pain.

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I’ve been working on multiple gift guides for you guys along with my nurse reveal, hospital bag and new moms must have posts. I have so much coming for you and I’m super excited. Today I wanted to share a few denim jackets that I’m loving that are all under $100. Most under $50. I love how pairing a denim jacket can chic up an outfit but also make it casual. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and will share much more this weekend.