3 Easy Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

Hi everyone! Today I’m sharing my 3 Easy Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids! We all know how important it is to keep the kiddos entertained throughout the entirety of the Thanksgiving festivities. Today I’m sharing 3 Easy Thanksgiving Crafts to keep them not only entertained, but practicing gratitude! Keep reading to see more.

That really is what Thanksgiving is all about. It’s sometimes easy for us to forget what we’re really celebrating… even though it literally has the words “thanks” and “giving” in the word. My husband and I are all about teaching the girls how to practice gratitude in their daily lives, not just on Thanksgiving. Heck, we are teaching ourselves! Practicing how to wake up with gratitude in your heart and on your mind as you go through each day truly takes work.

A lot of us get in the habit of waking up angry because of a fight you got in the night before, or annoyed that you have to go to work, or simply just irritated that you can’t stay in bed and sleep longer. Lately I’ve been practicing to write down what I’m grateful for and looking forward to that day each morning. Then trying to end the night by writing down everything good that happened that day (which is usually more than you anticipated) and what you are grateful for.

This is something very recent that I’ve started seriously implementing into my life and I realized that if I would have started much younger, it would feel like second nature to me now. This is one of the many reasons its so important to do this with your kids! Learning how to show gratitude is a portal for everything else good in life. What you put out, you will attract. No matter how old you are, you can start integrating these habits into your life! Now let’s get the kids started this Thanksgiving.

Below I’m sharing 3 super awesome Easy Thanksgiving Crafts that the kids can participate in this year:

  1. Thanksgiving Turkey Craft Kit | Makes Up To 4 Turkeys | Party Activity


3. Thanksgiving Crafts and Activities for Kids: Thankful Jar

I hope you all enjoyed this post! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and see how you integrate gratitude into your Thanksgiving this year. Thanks for reading!